Yesterday, after my shopping trip, I just couldn't wait to start. The class starts on 28 October, but we are given a pre-class exercise, creating five tags (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet). Unfortunately, I didn't have the step-by-step instructions with me, only the supply list with a small picture of finished tags. But I simply couldn't wait, so I just improvised.
The most important things for the task I hadn't been able to get: the shipping tags. So I bought a set of plain folded cream coloured cards, which I cut into four stripes. Cutting off the upper edges and punching a hole in between turned them into my required tags.

So, that's my first tag and first every scrapbooking technique thingy. It's not quite how it should look according to theinstructions but it's going to be my "green tag", as I'm rather pleased (and surprised!!) with the result :-). Can't wait to do the other 5 and for the class to start! What fun :-)