
Sunday, 16 June 2013

Stockholm i mitt hjärta, Part 3 - Djurgården & Skansen

Welcome back to lovely Stockholm! It's been a while since my last post in this series, but today, we're going to spend a lovely late summer's day on the island of Djurgården, visiting the outdoor museum Skansen, and enjoying a nice cup of coffe and a slice of cake. The best way to get to Djurgården is to walk along Strandvägen and across Djurgårdsbron. There are some great museums, the impressive Nordiska Museet, the fascinating Vasamuseet, and the charming Junibacken. But it's such a nice and sunny day, that it is best to spend it outdoors.

There's so much to see at Skansen, the outdoor museum, that we head there straight away. We're taking the the main entrance, which means you can take the escalator up (you could of course walk, if you wanted), and then wander around the little village with all its different and craft workshops for a bit. Then why not take a cup of coffee in the shade before setting off to explore the rest of the place.

Skansen is full of historical buildings and sites from all over Sweden, it's a walk through time and space.

I think it's time for a refreshing ice cream now, after all the walking...

And off we go again, to visit some of the animals in the zoo. Of course there has to be reindeers and mooses, they're so typical of Sweden, aren't they. The reindeers don't seem to enjoy this hot late summer's day very much, they are all lying on the ground panting. And the moose seems to prefer to lie in the most muddy patch - I guess it's the coolest place there.

We enjoy the views over the city one more time, before leaving Skansen to go for a little stroll to some other parts on Djurgården.

Walking northwards along the water to Waldemarsudde, where we spend the rest of the afternoon in the café, enjoying the sun, a nice cup of coffe - and a delicious blåbärspaj med vispgrädde. No wonder, the little bird is eyeing the cake enviously, it really is most yummy!

There's a lot more to see and do, you can spend all day on the island, walking around and visiting galleries and other places of interest. But we'll leave Djurården for now, after all, there's so much more to visit and explore in Stockholm. I hope you enjoyed our little tour, and will join me again in the next part of this series, which hopefully will be up soon.


  1. Oh I love your little tours and coffee breaks! What a beautiful place! Those poor animals do look like they're suffering the heat. I've never been to Sweden, but it certainly inspires, who knows one day...and that cake looks like such a treat! All the best for your future adventures! xx

  2. What a wonderful, colourful place with very nice skies too. I don't fancy mowing the grass ON that house and it doesn't seem the owners do either. Cute animals, even the bear whoo seems to be poking his tongue out at you, cheeky monster:-) Glad to see they have plenty of cake and ice cream to keep you going;-)

  3. I loved this tour with you! Especially interesting to me as my grandfather came over from Sweden and my brother, sister, and I are the last of the full-blooded Swedes in the family, but I know so little about Sweden. Can hardly wait to see more. Love the buildings and the water--everything! :)

  4. What a master at photography you are Kay! Wonderful pictures :0)
