
Friday, 14 June 2013

A citron green & turquoise flower garden

It's the first week of Summer of Colour, and the colour combination that got the most votes was citron green & turquoise. And as usual, with challenges, my mind immediately went totally blank when I started thinking about what to paint with these colours. I saw postings popping up everywhere, in the Facebook group, on blogs, thinking, 'ah yes, that's a good idea', and 'this techniques works well'. Blank. Then I saw Tracey's gorgeous bag (I want one!!), and thought, well that's an idea. Look around the flat for something in those colours, and just draw it. Blank.

So at the end, I decided to keep it simple. I did this flower doodle page in my little sketchbook on the train to and from work, and decided, to just paint the flowers turquoise and the background green. 

I quite liked it, so I decided to do another one, this time using proper watercolour paper and watercolours. I splashed some green and turquoise on the paper for a background, and then started doodling on top of it. It's not the most ingenious idea, but I'm in a kind of doodling mood this week, and it makes me happy, and that's good enough for me, really.

And of course, when I had finished my two little sketches, I saw all those turquoise and citon green things everywhere around me. That necklace, which I haven't worn for ages, and somehow just felt like wearing again today ( - just look at its shape!). 

My current favourite mug which I bought on my holiday in the south of England last month.

And my new notebook that I got earlier this week, and which is going to be my little "blog book", to help me get more organised with my blog, and better keep up with blogging. And the new matching pens, and the different washi tapes I already had. And my other favourite mug. Isn't it just typical!

Have a wonderful weekend everyone! Can't wait what next week's colour combination will be. I might just keep going on with my water colour splashes and doodling, to save my sanity :)


  1. Beautiful work! The colors look great together and your line are is lovely...

  2. I love the doodles in your art journal page! Great work with citron & turq!

  3. Oh wow!!!! How beautiful your flowers are! I love them! Your idea is so inspiring!!!! Will try this as well!

  4. your sketches are great!!! love them both

  5. Wow, your necklace pendant matches perfectly your beautiful citron and turquoise art.

  6. Your designs and artwork are amazing!! Wow!
    Love your colors with these floral patterns/designs!
    Happy PPF!!
    Mixed-Media Map Art

  7. So pretty doodles, that shape which is also in your necklace must really appeal to you. Pretty cup and fun washi...Happy PPF xox

  8. Just beautiful designs. Awesome artwork. Love it all. thanks.

  9. Hello, Anne :). I'm smiling all the way reading this post :). How exciting to see there are so many citron-turquoise things around you!! LOVELY. And your doodling is simply GORGEOUS!. Perfect colors, swashes & drips background. Inspiring. I missed doodling, maybe I should do some soon.

  10. Why haven't you sent me that mug to paint for the Cuppa With Friends Project... it is fabulous... and I laughed at not finding anything because i did the same... and after I had painted up the bag I saw about 20 things!!!!! In a scary twist of fate I also started a blog book a few weeks ago instead of the usual scraps of paper that are stashed everywhere... mine isn't as pretty as yours though!!!

  11. Oh my gosh, I love the collection of things you found around your house!! I also completely adore your pen work and backgrounds. Completely love.

  12. Just deliciously wonderful, love your colored doodles and all the pics! <3

  13. Love your coloured doodles

  14. love all yoru doodle flower, I've never added colour to mine but now I'm inspired. and funny how you find so much of the colours around you

  15. so pretty! I really enjoyed the colors this week too!

  16. I love all these refreshing colors, especially as its summer! Your necklace is lovely as are your journal pages and doodles, so pretty!

  17. I love them both! Wow! And how could you not be reminded of that necklace--LOL!

  18. Loving your gorgeous doodles and thank you for sharing the photos. Happy SOC, Annette x

  19. I love your doodles in this color, just would fit in my family room of apple green walls and blue lamps... love that necklace too!! Thanks for sharing your inspiration!!

    Hugs Giggles

  20. I absolutely LOVE your doodles! And your necklace is so pretty, as are your art journal pages!!! I love the photo you took of your blog book, washi tape, cups, etc. So perfect for the colors of the challenge!

  21. Love it... all your entries are fabulous...x

  22. Oooh, you had me at all that washi! Your stash looks great, and I love the idea of your blog book. Your pages and doodling is just wonderful, I love all the splashes of color and all that detail. Bravo, xoxo

  23. Lovely, lovely, lovely! I totally missed the deadline with all the stuff going on here this last week, but am definitely going to try to make it now this week. I was the same though. I started one thing, then kept finding that colour combination all around me. Your doodles look great!

  24. Love your doodled flowers!

  25. I love your doodles - especially against the backgrounds, really striking!

  26. Great doodles, and I like your assortment of SOC household items. Wonder if you have things that are pink and orange?

  27. Wow! These colors were following you around! They all look so wonderful :)
