
Friday, 26 October 2012

Painting Therapy

Painting is just a perfect way to keep yourself busy and get your minds off things at those times when life decides to present itself from its bitchiest side. So I pretty much spent most of last Monday, when I had a day off, filling one page after the other in my art journal. Painting in your art journal has the added advantage that you can not only take your mind off things for a while, but to also get some things out of your system and turn them into something pleasing and colourful.

"Pieces of Me" - well, not really colourful. I had to go to one of those awful photo boothes, as the train company asked me to send them a new photo to renew my annual train pass. Gosh, I just hate those. But then the photo on my train pass was from my mid twenties, so maybe they did have a point...

"Nothing Ventured Nothing Gained" -  Sometimes you have to be a bit adventurous, and be prepared for some changes to take place in your life.

"Listen To Your Heart" - Of course there have to be two pages, linked together. I think they speak for themselves.

"How Long Until We Meet At Last?"  - Yes, that is indeed the question right now. Thanks to life being bitchy.

"Anticipating Winter" - Well, I just love winter, and snow, and those lovely, amazing snowflakes, so I just had to make a page for winter. According to the weather forecast, we might even get some snow already tomorrow! Fine with me :)

I'm sorry for having been so terrible with keeping up with Paint Party Friday last week, but, well, life and all that... I promise to do better this weekend. Although I also have the complete second series of Downton Abbey to get through, and some more journal pages to fill...


  1. So sorry life is bitch-slapping you right now, but by gum you've created some fab pages trying to work through it all! Love them all, but the Listen to your heart ones, with the heart shaped hole and the butterflies peeking through is my favourite, and the winter one really speaks to me too.

  2. Although your post feels like rainy weather, the pages are beautiful and inspiring! Here's to life looking more sunny for you, I think your journal is just beautiful.

  3. Loving the pages in your journal. Happy PPF, Annette x

  4. Your pages are so beautiful - and
    spectacularly very well photographed, too! HPPF!

  5. Your pages are beautiful!! I loved scrolling down your blog, each picture getting better and better. I love Downton Abbey. I've only seen one season. Hoping season two hits netflix soon. Happy PPF

  6. Oh meine Güte, das sind so wudnervolle Seiten! Einfach schöööön!
    hab ein gutes Wochenende!

  7. you made some pretty cool art out of a crappy week!! awesome work!

  8. I hope next week is better for you.

  9. Your sketchbook pages are stellar!
    Love the cut-out heart, too, and how that changes the compositions when that page turns!
    Happy PPF!!
    Mixed-Media Map Art

  10. oh, and yes...painting always grounds me, too! :)

  11. Love these! Makes me want to play!

  12. hope this week is much better... nothing worse than a week like that... very impressed you still managed to be so creative...xx

  13. Fabulous pages! They are all so interesting.

  14. Really beautiful pages!! I particularly love love love the first silver one, great texture!! Have a great weekend!

    Hugs Giggles

  15. I like this daily on those round red splashes fit too well. Saludos

  16. Fabulous pages! All of them. Thanks for sharing.

  17. sorry to hear life is being a pain just now - it sounds a bit new age-y but try just sending positive vibes into the cosmos for what you want to happen or have in your life- I swear it's been working for me this last few months!! It must be true about adversity and/or pain helping the artist to produce as these journal pages are amazing. I really love the colours you use and the messages you depict - you should look into marketing these journals, you know, having them printed with your work on the cover and on inside pages but with alternate pages blank so people could buy them as their own diaries to complete - they are so beautiful.

  18. These pages are BEAUtiful...especially considering you weren't in the best frame of mind when you did them. Bravo for moving yourself out of a pit!

  19. Wow, your journal looks really fascinating. It makes me imagine finding it years from now and becoming obsessed with the person who created it.

  20. The pages are great - hopefully your art is lifting you up. My favourites are the golden orange ones - beautiful.

  21. These pages are so rich! The photo booth one is my favorite- after doing a black and white canvas recently I have a new respect for black and white art that have depth and layers and style (like yours)! Glad the paint could help you shake of the B*tchiness!

  22. One of the kind commenters above talks of imagining finding your journal years from now "and becoming obsessed with the person who created it." I am fortunate enough to not have to wait years to become obsessed. I'm already there. Of course, my favourite pages are Listen To Your Heart for obvious, personal reasons, and now I am also falling in love with the snowflakes and the thoughts around them. This journal is more than a random scattering of creative exercises - it's an enchanting, inspiring and delightful telling of your life and the world around you.

  23. Oh, this is just gorgoeus with all the lovely colors! And magic snowflakes! :)
