
Friday, 12 October 2012

Not all change is bad change

I've added a new page to my Change Journal, which I have quite neglected a bit these past few weeks and months. It was one of those pages where I had no idea what would come out of it when I started. I realised that I hadn't used much blue for a while, and that I even had some new blue paints that were still unopend, so I just started with painting a blue background.

I've been wanting to create a page using a vintage image for ages, and still not knowing what to do, really, this dreamy, happy girl just seemed perfect.

And lots and and lots of butterflies all around.

I started this journal only a few months ago, to help me work on my attitude towards change. And although there's still a lot of change I'm not happy with, I'm beginning to see that not all change is necessarily for the worse. Some changes are pretty good, really. And they come when you least expect it, and are brought about by the smallest things, like finally writing a long overdue e-mail. And suddenly, your world is turned upside down, and you'll find yourself smiling and dreaming and hoping that there'll be even more changes following that will change your life forever, and for the better.


  1. You don't need to change a thing - certainly not in your journals! I just love that beautiful script on the butterflies. It adds to the intrigue :0)

  2. Loving your beautiful spread in the journal. Happy PPF, Annette x

  3. Stunning spread Kay! It's really dreamy.

  4. The colors fit your vintage image perfectly! Change certainly is an adventure!

  5. Love the blue! I'm like you - I think change is good. It may appear difficult in the moment - but I feel that it brings good/great with it. Beautiful work!! Happy PPF

  6. Gorgeous page. Love the butterflies.

  7. Your journal pages are beautiful. Love the butterflies. And the background is great.

  8. Ow sweet and gorgous! =) I admire your work, you have a great fantasy to make all that, so lovely with all the butterflies! and I love the brown an blue nuances playing together! =)

    Lovely weekend! :)

  9. stunning... the background looks totally cosmic!

  10. what a delightful spread!! Your vintage girl looks so happy amongst the butterflies! Happy PPF!

  11. You are so self aware thinking to expand and change your attitude to change... if I try to think about too much I am immediately over come by the need to lie down and eat chocolate... mind you if I could create backgrounds like that I think I would start a change journal too...xx

  12. This is so sweet! Charming! :)

  13. This is so beautiful and so sweet. marvelous with all these butterflies.
    Lovely greet and nice weekend

  14. What a great piece full of interest! Love the vintage girl the background and quote is perfect!! Well done!!

    Hugs Giggles

  15. Right change can be good! Spice of life and all that good stuff. I like the old time-y feel to this journal page. Flapper era.

  16. This is beautiful, I really love the starry looking background and the butterflies.

  17. Beautiful, just incredibly sweet and lovely! Love all the details and the whole piece! And you are so right, change is often good! HPPF!

  18. Love the combination of blues and butterflies and text!
    It's always great inspiration visiting your blog! :)
    Happy PPF!!
    Mixed-Media Map Art

  19. I really like your backgrounds, think they are gorgous :)

  20. beautiful! I love how well it all blends together!

  21. I love the dreaminess of your "model" - she seems so content and happy in a beautifully modest way. Change is so often about being courageous, taking chances and just trusting that things will, after all, turn out for the best. It can be scary, daunting and overwhelming, but the rewards can be beyond any of our wildest dreams. I know this as a fact and it seems you do too ♥♥♥

  22. To change! Such beautiful pages!

  23. This is a beautiful journal page - the scripted butterflies are gorgeous and as usual the vintagey feel and layout to your work is sublime!

  24. This is a gorgeous piece, full of heart and soul, love it!

  25. I love how this is turning out, but think you may already be finished??? Where did you find the dreamy vintage girl, so beautiful!

  26. Einfach genial wie Du hier Ihren verträumten Ausdruck auch im Hintergrund wiedergibst...ich hätte echt Probleme, dieses Vintagebild in eine Page einzuflechten ;) ich bin begeistert!!!
