
Thursday, 2 August 2012

Totally inspired!

Thanks everyone who commented on my last post for your sweet and encouraging words - and for putting things back into perspective! Sometimes, we put ourselves under too much pressure, making do to lists that simply cannot be done in one day, and end up seeing only our failures and none of our accomplishments. I know I do that. Basically that pretty accurately describes an average weekend for me. Bad, bad, I know, and I'm really working to get rid of this bad habit. So, looking back on the past weekend, I almost finished the work related stuff I had to do; I filled four pages of my Moleksine journal; I allowed myself some much needed rest. All in all, not bad at all.

I took your words to heart, and spent all of yesterday morning (it was our National Day, so I had the day off) filling three more pages in my Moleskine journal - pages to remind me what's important, and what to focus on more. So here are my three pages, inspired by your comments:

"Flow" - forget your (too) high goals and expectations you set yourself from time to time, and allow yourself to just float and follow the flow.

You don't really have the energy right now to work on a big canvas, or even in your A4 "change art journal", but totally enjoy working in your Moleskine journal, because the smaller format allows you to finish a page relatively quickly? Fine. Nothing wrong with it. Just do that then. Enjoy it. And stop feeling guilty about not doing "more".

And sooner or later, the energy to tackle the bigger formats will return, I'm sure. (Or at least I hope so, very, very much...)

"Be mad" - I actually wanted it to be "be silly", but I'm using up some left over chipboard letters, and there aren't many (useful) letters left. In fact, I'm really pleased, and surprised, how many words I managed to get together for these three pages!

From time to time, forget all expections, your own and those of others, and just do something silly, something totally pointless. Spend a whole afternoon sitting in a café watching people or daydreaming the time away, without doing anything. Go out for the day and jump on the next best train and see where the journey takes you. Or anything else you enjoy.

Simply for the fun of it.

"Live life the way you picture it - and make it a good one" - I got this sticker together with a camera bag I bought last year, and I've been wanting to use it for ages. I think this page is perfect for it.

There was only one 'o' left, so I used a 'c' and put it halfway under the "o" to make it look like a 'double o'. It works.

Sometimes you just have to improvise. Be that on a journal page, or in life in general.

I've also got the four pages I did last weekend to show, and another one I did on Monday, but I wanted to share these three pages first. And there's another page I want to do now, because when I visited the blog of lovely and talented Sandra Busby, I saw that she has kindly given me a "Liebster blog" award (thank you so much!). It makes me so happy when I manage to inspire someone with my work. I have one word of chipboard letters left, and it's just perfect for the page I want to do. But I'll have to wait till Sunday, when I have time to create a journal page (in my Moleskine journal, of course) - and think of 5 interesting things you didn't know about me...


  1. You are SO welcome! I just wish I could sit and watch you create one of your pages from start to finish - Maybe a step by step! I just can't get enough! As for 'To do lists', well, if I have one of those and don't do as much as I'd planned - I think about what I HAVE done, add it to the list and then cross it out, lol! That way it makes me feel I have achieved something :0)

  2. I go with you with the flow and live life the way you picure it. BEAUTIFUL work. Love it.
    Lovely greet

  3. I love your style and the way you combine things on your pages. Lovely! Great inspirational thoughts, too. :)

  4. Freedom. That is what I felt the second I saw these pages. It felt like an artist who let the creativity take her where it wanted to go- and the results are stunning. Of course, I love the tape on flow & all the bits of stamping and splatters of color. Your resourcefulness with chipboard letters is inspiring- I am going to remember those tricks next time I am searching for the letters I need that are often not there.

  5. Glad you're figuring stuff out. How would it be if you had a creative holiday? Perhaps gave yourself two weeks off from creating anything at all. Do you think you might be champing at the bit when that time was over?

  6. I especially love "flow." I got out my art journal and had fun working in mixed media, not worrying so much about drawing. And I really enjoyed the art I created.

  7. Oh how I love the simplicity in your pages! Makes me happy and inspired! Thanks!

  8. This is amazing... you have done so much; so colorful and creative and heartwarming. I like how you used tape here.

  9. I guess your art journal is amazing ! Love these pages too !
