
Monday, 30 July 2012

Totally uninspired

I don't know what it is, but I'm feeling totally uninspired at the moment. I had been looking forward to a long three-day weekend filled with paint and creativity, but instead I ended up spending most of the time on the sofa, with no energy at all to pick myself up and do something useful. Although that is not strictly true. I have actually covered four pages in my Moleskine sketchbook/art journal with collages and paint, but these were more repeated manifestations of severe procrastination and frustration than real inspired creativity. The obligation of having to produce abstracts of two articles in French (a language I will never master), filled with a whole range of terms related to some new degree courses I had no idea of how to translate into German, had repeatedly woken the urge in me to grab some glue and paint and stick something into my sketchbook, in order to put off the unpleasant task.

So my weekend ended with two unfinished abstracts and four finished journal pages, but I didn't have the energy to take pictures of them and write up a blog post. So Instead I'm posting some photographs I took during my holiday earlier this month, taken at one second favourite National Trust place, Angelsey Abbey. I've visited this place several times and at different times of the year. It is a perfect place to spend a happy and relaxing day.

The silver birches with their beautifully coloured and textured bark always make me happy:

The herbacious border is full of forgeous plants and flowers, like this delicate "chandelier" of blossoms:

Or these beautifully patterned flowers:

The gardens are full of busy bees of all kinds collecting pollen:

Daisies - simple but always pleasing:

I'll have another day off on Wednesday (our national holiday), and I hope to spend it in my studio. With the abstracts finally out of the way, there should now be nothing to distract me. Hopefully.


  1. That will happen by everyone, totaaly uninspired. But your pictures are so beautiful, love it.
    Lovely greet

  2. Wow - Have you done a course on photography? Your photo's are a work of art in them selves! Stunning in fact! And yes - we all know that feeling of being uninspired. But most of us turn out nothing at all when we feel like that - unlike you, who still managed to produce something. So hats off to you for that! :0)

  3. Good luck! I love the bee photo. Hopefully something is just percolating and waiting to come out.

  4. We all have those kind of days. Sounds like you did more than you realize, just not what you were avoiding--LOL! ;) Beautiful, beautiful photos!! Have a good week. :)

  5. schöne Fotos und Deine anderen Sachen vor allem die Bornen begeistern mich auch wieder voll!
    Sei lieb gegrüßt!


  6. I can only echo everything Sandra says - sometimes we criticise ourselves when we don't achieve what we wanted to, and we miss all the wonderful things we did achieve. Fantastic photos, Katja. Really enjoyable to look at.

  7. I can so relate to that feeling of lacking energy and just wanting to flop, the heat, my little can be hard to fit art in too....your pictures are lovely!

  8. We all have days like that but it seems like you actually did quite a bit. As Rita said, maybe just not you would have liked to achieve. As for your photos....WOW!!!! Your talent obviously doesn't just stop at art....these images are stunning! Enjoy your Wednesday and I hope it's a creative day for you. :)

  9. Yes, we've all had days where inspiration is nowhere to be found. However, your photos are wonderful - oh the daisies! Love them. Inspiration will come, just when you least expect it.

  10. Yes, we've all had days where inspiration is nowhere to be found. However, your photos are wonderful - oh the daisies! Love them. Inspiration will come, just when you least expect it.
