
Saturday, 29 January 2011

{OLW} ~ January Prompts

At the end of last year, I came across the idea of choosing one word for the new year, a little word that one uses as a sort of guide line, something to focus on. I thought it was quite a nice concept and thought about choosing a word for myself for 2011 as well. However, I just couldn't decide what it should be, what it was I wanted to focus on. So I decided to let my Angel Cards choose it for me. And what they came up with was:


I must say, I couldn't have chosen a better word myself! It's just perfect. There are quite a few things in my life that I've tried to change for the last few years, without success so far. At the beginning of every year, I made plans and wish lists about the things I wanted to do, achieve, change. And at the end of each year, I was depressed, feeling such a failure, because I hadn't really managed to make any of them happen. So one month ago, at New Year's Eve, I decided to let that whole planning and wishing thing be. The only resolution I took was to go on working on and improving my photography and post processing skills, to focus on the creative side of me, to spend more time again at painting, calligraphy, learning to draw. To keep my eyes open for inspiration everywhere around me. And the rest - well, I'll just take it as it comes, one step after another, or no steps, if there are no steps to be taken. And maybe, the inspiration I'll find for my photography, painting etc, maybe, will inspire me in other things as well, letting me find new ways and possibilities, new pathes to follow.

When I saw that at BigPicture there was even a class about exactly that - One Little Word - I signed up for it. I loved the idea that the course covered the whole year, helping you to keep focusing on the word, and of course getting loads of inspiration. I've already written about it in a post earlier this month and posted the January title page. But until yesterday, I hadn't really had the time to sit down and work on the other prompt for January. To create 9 little cards with quotations, definitions, sentiments, ornaments etc. for our word. I still haven't all the supplies yet, the refill folders are still missing, but I have my lovely lavender coloured album and the card stock to print on. I even figured out how to find the right paper size for printing the American 8 1/2 " x 11" sized paper, yay!

So these are my January "canvases" for my word. Not cut out yet, will do that when I have the folders.

I decided to write almost all of the texts for the cards on the computer rather than by hand. I love handwriting but I've also downloaded so many great fonts in the last few weeks, that I wanted to use them. And of course it meant that I could get much more text on my cards. I know, it's a lot of text and even in the original versions, some of it is hard to read. But that's okay. Because that's what I want to do this year: looking for lots and lots of inspiration, and maybe there'll be things I'll forget about again immediately, but at the end, all the small bits and pieces together with the bigger ones will add up to the big picture.

It's the end of the month, which means that next week, the prompts for February should come. I'm so looking forward to going on working with my "little word" :-)

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