
Sunday, 30 January 2011

{Day 30} ~ Glimmer of Hope

Prompt for Day 30 for Picture Winter: "Glimmer of Hope"

Today, we had to look for signs that help to remind us that change is on its way.

It was a very grey day today, at least down here (sun and blue sky up in the mountains) and there weren't really any signs of spring anywhere to be seen. Which I take as a good sign - I still hope for some real winter weather with snow and all in the next months before spring :-)


  1. hi, nordljus.
    {is that your actual name?}

    thank you for your comment on my blog.
    i do have a flickr site.
    the address is below

    i'm glad both workshops are over.
    i have enjoyed both so much.
    but i'll never take two at once again.
    too much.
    it does not let you focus on one,
    as your attention is divided between two.

    i'm going to take a small break from photography
    and blogging and cyberspace {flickr and such}.
    but when i am back,
    i will definitely be continuing to check out
    your beautiful work.
    {i just added you as a contact on flickr.
    and i just added your blog to my blog roll on my blog, too.}

    it was so nice to meet you!
    i'm inspired by your work very much.
    this willow branch photo is an example of
    how incredible your images are!
    each one really blows me away.
    thanks for always taking time to stop by and see my work.

    good luck in all of your photography endeavors.
    i'd love to know what you think of the class,
    "master manual mode".
    i thought of taking it as well... when i have some extra money.


  2. i'm back!

    i just wanted to send the same not i am sending to everyone who was kind enough to take an interest in my photos on p.w.

    "just wanted to stop and say hello... i'm going through all the profiles of those who commented on my picture winter photos, and looking to see if they have blogs or flickr accounts {and if not, then sending an e-mail}... so that i can A) say thank you for the comments and feedback you gave me, and B) let them know i would love to stay in touch... especially to those who expressed interest in keeping up to date on what is happening with my pregnancy. since i can not remember all who asked, i thought i would just go through each profile and send a message. =)

    i'll be updating my blog periodically with baby news... just in case you are interested:

    thanks again for all your comments on p.w.! it was an inspiration to meet you and see your work! i hope to see more of it even though the class is over."

    more personally, you know i have made a little bit stronger connection with you than others, and i am glad about that. thank you so much for your support and encouragement. it has been a true honor to "meet" you. i really do hope we will stay in touch!

