
Friday, 11 May 2018

The end of the 100 Day Project, some travel sketches, and two new palettes

I knew, when I decided to take part in The 100 Day Project, that I wasn't going to do it every day, and that my holiday would certainly be a problem. But I ended up doing so little while I was away, that I decided there really just was no point to pretend and continue. So I'm just back to my normal goal of trying to draw daily, or least as much as possible. So these sketches where the last I did for the challenge before before my holiday.

Before my holiday, I put together a new watercolour palette, big enough to contain 24 colours, compact enough to carry around with me. It took me ages to put it together (I'm not good at making decisions....) but finally I came up with a selection I was happy with. At least for the moment. Some colours might not be essential, and admittedly, I chose them mainly because I liked them. That's the problem with colours. You really don't need that many to achieve a lot. But they are just so beautiful. Irresistible. We'll see how useful they will proof. That's the nice thing with watercolour palettes. You can always change and adjust them.

My goal of doing some outside sketching on my holiday wasn't very successful. I really only managed two times, at the beginning, when it was still warm. In the second half, the weather got rather cold and very windy. Certainly not the kind of weather to take out your art materials. At least not for me. But I got some drawing done, at least.

And then, although I've decided that I really have enough watercolour palettes now, and I really, really don't need another one for a while, I bought another one. I'm afraid I just couldn't resist. It's a limited edition from Schmincke, with twelve metallic colours and six metallic golds. I probably won't use them very often, the colours are quite subtle, but it'll be fun to get them out from time to time, and you can also mix them with your normal colours to add a bit of sparkle. And they come in that special square-ish palette, which is always useful to have.

It's difficult to catch the sparkle with the camera, but they really do shine and sparkle on paper.


  1. Really lovely paintings, the kiwi fruit are perfect. Happy PPF! :D)

  2. gorgeous illustrations!! I love that you paint your palettes too-they look fabulous. Happy PPF!

  3. Wow for being on holiday you accomplished a lot. OK I know some of it was before but I am thrilled to see it all. My favorite is the Flamingo. Great art.

  4. This is a beautiful, informative post. I agree you won't use the metallics often but when you do they will be just right for the moment. Enjoy them. Happy PPF

  5. Kiwi and so much more to whet the appetite for artistic endeavors!!!
    Happy PPF!!!

  6. Loved the art works...vibrant and beautifully made!

  7. WOW! What a talented artist you are! I especially loved the flamingo. :D

  8. That drawing of the bird looks fabulous! I love the contrast of the soft pink with the black & white. I love the looseness of the blue pool too. And also: one can never have too much paint ;-)

  9. Luv luv the kiwi sketches today



  10. You've really been busy. I really like the watercolor palettes you painted. :)
