
Tuesday, 28 February 2017

Signs of Spring

What weird weather we're having at the moment. Yesterday, I was walking along the river in mild spring air, with blue sky and the sun shining above my head. Today, I woke up to it snowing vertically. The sky is a dull lead grey and the snow has turned into rain, but the grass in the park around the university campus is still white. And this afternoon, we'll have winds up to a 100 km/h apparently.

But spring is definitely on its way, the signs are unmistakable and everywhere. On Sunday late afternoon, I grabbed my camera and went out to look for the sings around my neighbourhood, and I found some leftovers from past seasons too. I love the macro option on my new lens!

Snowdrops are appearing everywhere. They're such delicate, beautiful heralds of spring. It's always a joy to see - and capture - them.

As are the catkins, with their soft fluffy heads reaching up into the air. You just want to reach out and touch them.

Many signs of the past seasons are still around, and they add to the charm of this time of transition, like these withered dog rose seed pods.

The Chinese Lantern is such a beautiful plant. And it looks good in every state, with its papery husk, but especially in this delicate, filigree state of decay.

I haven't had much to post for the past couple of weeks. It's not that I haven't done any drawing or painting, but there just isn't anything to show, really. But I enjoyed taking my camera out, and doing some photo editing right afterwards for a change, instead of just letting my photos sleep on their hard drive. I should do this more often.


  1. Been a crazy winter over here, too.
    Beautiful pics! :)

  2. Wow, Kay you really are a master behind a camera lens... These photo's are exquisite! Really professional! It sounds like we are having very similar weather (aside from the snow). It was bucketing down with rain and gales on Monday, then sunny with a blue sky (though still only 6 degrees) yesterday and wet today with high winds and gales predicted this afternoon/eve! I can't keep up! But the buds are beginning to appear, so the carrot of Spring is definitely being dangled :0)
