
Friday, 6 May 2016

A colour chart, sketchbook pages, a daytrip abroad and a walk in the forest

After having bought some more colours for my new 24 half pan watercolour box on Saturday, I spent part of the weekend making a colour chart with all the 22 colours. I have to say, I love making colour charts. Mixing colours and seeing what new colours you can create. Especially with colours that you would normally mix together.

There's still room for 2 more colours, and someone mentioned in a Facebook group that you can actually squeeze in two more half pans. I might have to try that out one day.

I've kept up my practice of drawing (almost) daily. I really enjoy drawing portraits with coloured pencils and I have three or four coloured pencil in neutral colours in my pencil case.

I haven't done much sketching with watercolours in my new sketchbook yet, but it doesn't seem to take it worse than other sketchbooks.

Last Friday, I went on a little day trip with my Mum to Freiburg im Breisgau in Germany. We were so lucky with the weather, it was the only mild and sunny day in a period of cold and wet April weather. We had a great day there, good food, ice cream, visits to cafés, walking around the busy streets in the old town and finding a couple of art shops. Even if it's just for one day, a trip abroad always feels like a little holiday. That's the advantage of living in a small country like Switzerland, you can go to Germany, Austria, France, and Italy just for a day.

Yesterday was a public holiday, Ascension day, and after the cold and wet weather, spring has arrived again, bringing sun and mild weather. Perfect for a walk in the forest in the afternoon with my Mum, her neighbour, and Bobby, the neighbour's dog, especially as most people were stuck in traffic queues on their way to the south for a long weekend. I love being in the forest, especially now, when everything is so fresh and bright green. We also past a beautiful old gnarly mossy apple tree in full bloom, buzzing with bees, and stood in front of it for a few minutes, reminiscing about "my" lost apple tree, and how it would be buzzing with life too.

I have probably mentioned it before, but the special charm and beauty of this forest, that conveniently starts just a few hundred meters behind my parent's home, is that it is a natural, wild forest that is left to its own device. The only thing that is being done is when a tree falls over one of the paths, the bit over the path, and only that bit, is cut out. The rest is left as it is. A big part of the forest is covered in wild garlic, carpets of it covering the ground. The buds are just about to open and start blooming in a couple of days, but the smell already fills the air.



  1. Glad you were able to enjoy a trip out, Freiburg is nice, and famous for its good weather. We are enjoying some sunny days just now in Rhineland. Your portraits are wonderful. Happy PPF, hugs, Valerie

  2. Stunning colour charts...I just love them.. colour makes my heart sing!! Great art and photos too. Thanks for sharing!

    Hugs Giggles

  3. Your art is always enjoyable. Great post today.
    Happy PPF xx

  4. Beautiful photos...but my goodness that paint sample page...those colours look like jewel mosaic pieces... it's artwork in itself!

  5. Beautiful photos...but my goodness that paint sample page...those colours look like jewel mosaic pieces... it's artwork in itself!

  6. Your paint chart is very impressive. Very nice. I love your pencil portraits. They are absolutely exquisite. I live in a wooded area but not quite as natural as that you are showing. However, I just leave the fallen trees where they lie too unless they are in the front yard, which is also wooded but not very large.

  7. This is a wonderful post. Your portraits are amazing. I am glad you had time to spend with you mom.

  8. your color charts a re a work of art in themselves-I love them!! Wonderfully detailed portraits. And i always thought how lucky to live in Europe and be able to country hop so easily. Great photos.

  9. Wow! You are just so talented!
    Lovely walk in the forest. :)

  10. Delightful art. Those color pallets are definite eye candy. Wonderfully drawn portraits too. Something I did a lot of this week too.

  11. Gorgeous photos from your little day trip. How fun to live so close to so many different countries. And it looks like you've had fun with your art. That color chart is practically a piece of art itself. :) Erika

  12. Your colour chart is a fantastic piece of artwork in itself. It's gorgeous.
    I'm also impressed with an artist who can draw portraits. I find them incredibly hard.
    Love the chickens and your photos. My daughter is visiting Berlin at the moment and loving it. I personally would love to visit Switzerland. It's on my 'to do' list.
    Happy PPF to you.

  13. I am amazed by the color chart.It can be a course alone. How did you achieve all these colors? The portraits look great.I wonder how much time you spend on them everyday. I secretly wish to practice more on drawing portraits but somehow even the thought of trying freezes me.I am my worst critic, i know :) The forest looks enchanted and beautiful.We have so little green in the city.Luckily we have lemon trees in our garden. That is as best a forest as it gets in Izmir :) Have a lovely week...

  14. Wow, you have been busy!! It's a feast for the eyes! Grat portraits btw... I need to sketch more... You have inspired me! :0)

  15. What a lovely post - a little bit of everything for everyone.
