
Wednesday, 1 July 2015

Summer of Colour, Week 4 - Refreshing water melon

I was lying in bed on Monday morning, wondering what the colours would be for this week's Summer of Colour, and hoping that it would include some red. I had seen those delicious and refreshing looking slices of watermelons in the supermarket, and with the temperatures slowly but steadily rising, I wanted to buy some, and of course draw them too. 

And once again, the colours for this week were perfect. Two reds and one metallic. Well, the metallic sounded very challenging, when I first read it. In my head, I saw silver and gold and bronze - the colours of metals. How was I going to incorporate that into a watermelon? But then I remembered those gel pens I had dug out, to use for drawing mandalas and doodles in my sketchbook. The coloured ones all have a metallic sheen to them, and I had a green one. Perfect. The metallic doesn't really come out in the picture, so I'm afraid you have to take my word for it. If you use those gel pens too, you know what I'm talking about. It was certainly fun to add a different medium to my watercolour background and coloured pencil drawing.

Tomorrow we're off on our little trip to the south of Germany. I was hoping that we would have some fine weather and not get soaked. Well, it looks like it's definitely not going to be cool and wet. But it really doesn't need to be 40 degrees... It'll be a lot of watermelon slices and ice lollies!


  1. Fantastic work for SOC! Valerie

  2. Love the watermelon - much needed in this weather!

  3. Wunderbare Wassermelone! Viel Spaß bei Eurer kleinen Reise!

  4. Your watermelon looks really yummy - I´d like to eat it on the spot :-) ! Welcome to Germany, it will be pretty hot here during the next days ... Ilka

  5. ich hoffe, ihr schmelzt nicht... klasse Wassermelone, ein tolles objekt für diese tage!

  6. What a refreshing and delicious looking watermelon! So creative and wonderful!!! I love your take on this week's color challenge at SOC!

  7. Indeed a great idea. And also suitable for the weather conditions coming up.

  8. Awesome idea. Love your watermelon.:)

  9. fabulous SOC entry-and there's nothing like fresh watermelon in season:)

  10. Oh this is wonderful - and what a brilliant idea to use a metallic gel pen.

  11. I liked your outside the box thinking, and although I don't own one of those gel pens, I'm sure the green is definitely metallic. It's a lovely addition to your watercolor painting.

  12. This is lovely! And red so happens to be my favourite colour too! Have a wonderful trip! :0)

  13. I'm not a fan of watermelon but they do make a good subject to paint - this is fab and even looks refreshing! hope you have a wonderful trip!

  14. Love this, its wonderful. Want to reach in and eat it! Love how you've got the texture of the watermelon flesh.

  15. Great texture on that watermelon. It looks so real.

  16. Beautiful drawing!
    As Lorraine said: it looks very real :-)

  17. good job! :D I can never get nice looking watermelon here, its always so small :/
