
Friday, 10 July 2015

A portrait, and some more doodles and mandalas

I haven't done as much painting as I thought I would during my holiday-at-home so far. Either we've been away for a few days, or out for the day, or, when we did stay at home, it was usually to recover from the heat and with no energy left doing anything at all. Also, I feel a bit stuck with my two intuitive paintings that I'm working on. Probably because I haven't quite had the time to sit down and read/watch the new lessions. But that's fine too. There's no hurry to finish them, and a holiday is, after all, a time to rest, enjoy and recharge, even if you're staying at home. I did feel like painting a bit the day before yesterday, though. It was a grey and rainy day, and the first cool day after the heat of the past couple of weeks. I had bought (yet another) new sketchbook, with the intention to fill it with (mainly) acrylic portraits. Painting lots more portraits is something I've wanted to do for quite some time, but even if you enjoy something, it can be difficult to get into a habit of doing it regularly at times.

I've also continued doing the one or other mandala or doodle in my "left over paint journal". With all our little trips, I've been taking loads of photos, and drawing mandalas is a great way of filling the time while waiting for all the photos to download.

I can't believe it's already Friday. The time has passed so quickly, and now there's only the weekend left. But I don't really want to think about that yet.


  1. enjoy your holiday - it seems you're still being productive even if you feel you aren't - I love how atmospheric your portraits are and those mandalas are amazing!

  2. Stunning painting and love the doodles!

  3. Such a beautiful portrait! And the mandalas look like lace.

  4. I love all of the art pages, great colors and style!

  5. Wow!! Love the face and the mandalas are so intricate, delicate.

  6. Stunning what you have done! what a holiday is about! Sounds like you are doing that well!

    Hugs Giggles

  7. Nic is right your portrait us wonderfully atmospheric. I love the way the light falls

  8. Fantastic portrait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
