
Friday, 5 June 2015

A little spring lamb in my journal

This sweet little lamb will no doubt have grown a lot since I took its photo earlier this spring (I posted the photo in my last Photo Sunday May post). And I've been wanting to paint it ever since. This week I finally got down to it. I chose to paint in my art journal again. I just wanted to play a little, without thinking too much, using only three colours (Ultramarine Blue, Raw Umber and Titanium White). The art journal is just perfect for this. I might try and paint it on canvas too, so having this little exercise in my journal will be helpful for that. 

I drew the little bell because of a remark that N. made when he saw the sheep photos. Here in Switzerland, it is usual for cows to wear bells ("Treichle"), wether they're up in the alps roaming their summer pastures (and preferably standing in the middle of the hiking paths), or in a small field next to the farm. A cow and a bell belong together like strawberries and cream. When he saw the sheep photos, he said "What, even your sheep wear bells!". Maybe it's not quite as common as with cows, but yes, sheep (and goats) wearing bells is certainly not an uncommon sight here. His remark just made me smile. For me, it's just so normal.


  1. Your lamb is beautiful, and the limited colour palette makes it even more so! Have a great weekend, Valerie

  2. Beautiful art work. Happy PPF

  3. What a beautiful wee lamb and I agree with Valerie about the effectiveness of the limite colour palette - beautiful. Why do they wear bells? Is it so the farmer can hear them and track them down but how will he know his cows from another farmer's cows? It seems like a much nicer way than stamping them with big horrible numbers all over their backs like they do here.

    1. Thank you Nic! In central Switzerland, close to the alps, it's usual to take the cows (and goats) up to the alps where they spend the summer. The area where they roam freely is huge, so I guess the bells help locate them. For identifying them, I think they use tags in their ears. Taking them up in early summer and back down again at the end of summer are small local local festivals ("Alpfauffahrt" and "Alpabfahrt"). The cows wear huge bells (their "everyday bells" are usually much smaller) and flowers, and often the farmers and their families wear the traditional costume of the area. The journey up and down can take several hours. Here's some links to give you an idea what the whole thing looks like:
      I've actually never been to one of these, but it's been on my list of things to do for ages.

  4. Lovely. I like that its a close up!

  5. Den skulle bli jättefin på en canvas. Gärna i stort format - och med samma färger.

  6. Hee Hee. Like the others have said, this works really well with a limited palette. Lovely piece of work - definitely have a go on canvas one day. I'm now thinking of starting a business making small bells for sheep over here. Just in Dorset I'll be a millionaire overnight, provided I can explain to the farmers what on earth the point is.

    1. Well, you can ask the farmers when you're here. I'm sure they can give you a very good explanation.

  7. This is so beautiful and to think that you painted it using only 3 colors! There is a sheep farm near me and I always watch for the babies in early February. I think they were late this year or else the farmer kept them out of the front pasture. For the first time there are black lambs as well as the tan ones.

  8. Awesome painting, especially the eyes. I like the idea of the bell. Great job.

  9. It's a lovely portrait of a lamb, and using a limited palett is very useful in my opinion. One get to know the colors well and also to mix what we need from them. You did great with all of it.

  10. I love your piece, this lamb looks like it's about to step out of the painting, the colours and technique you used are so effective here, an impressive piece for sure!

  11. There is something about this painting which touches my heart...deeply. Thank you.

  12. It is soo sweet. Adorable!

  13. It is soo sweet. Adorable!

  14. Awe so sweet he looks so real I love how adorable he is.... yes do paint a canvas... this is really precious!!!

    Hugs Giggles

  15. I love how it seems to come out of a fog. Wonderful work!

  16. Really stunning work! How I love this sweetie and the colors you choose!! ♥ Conny
    Piaroms Art Journaling

  17. This is beautiful. such a beautiful little lamb.This could make a gorgeous card.
