
Friday, 15 May 2015

Still a work in progress - stretching those rusty muscles

It's like when you haven't done any sport at all for a while, and then start again. You've become rusty, the muscles don't know the moves anymore. It's painful at first, and it takes a while to get back into those moves again, but the more you keep going, the easier it gets and your muscles relax and begin to fall into the pattern easily. It's quite the same with painting. You get rusty, if you haven't done it for a while, and getting back into it feels strange at first, a bit unfamiliar. The paints behave kind of odd, you're not quite getting it right. It'll take a little while to get comfortable with it again, you just have to keep working on it. Little by little.

She's not finished yet, but I'm taking it little by little. I'm glad that I set myself the goal for this month to link up to Paint Party Friday every week. Because without the pressure of needing something to share, I probably would have given up on her. And I'm glad I did. Because those muscles need a lot of work and stretching for the moves to become familiar and comfortable again.


  1. She is coming along well! Take it easy, you will finish her when the time is right! Valerie

  2. She is looking fabulous. Happy PPF

  3. So fabulous that you are sharing your process she is looking wonderful
    Happy PPF
    Sandy :)

  4. I love where this is going Kay - the surreal touch of the little rosebuds flying off her dress is wonderful.

  5. Well she is beautiful so far...seems like it all came back perfectly!! Love the buds... so pretty!! I look forward to the finished piece!!

    Hugs Giggles

  6. You are doing good, I will say. Love the moodyness in your painting.

  7. How beautiful. This woman looks like she has many stories to share. I can't wait to see the finished piece.

  8. Oh please don't give up on her - she is too beautiful to walk away from. Thanks for sharing.

  9. The look in her eyes is serene and beautiful.

  10. She is beautiful and I'm sure she will be perfect when complete. Nice going and of course you won't give up because it's in your blood. I enjoyed your words and work.

  11. Little by little ... she's more beautiful, refined and expressive with every brush stroke!

  12. Wonderful portrait and I love the rosebuds flying off her dress. Great post. Happy PPF

  13. Oh, I so understand what you mean! I love your portrait ♥

  14. She is wonderful, I'm so glad you are flexing your muscles :) You know if you want to, and had the time, she would make a wonderful addition to my portrait community share - Art it Friday - Show Your Face. It is all about being inspired, inspiring others and sharing any portrait work you have been doing from week to week and I would love to see you as part of the community share too, if you wanted to. Have a lovely weekend. Kx

  15. Great work. the nice thing about painting is it is like riding a bike, you don't forget how to do it - may be a bit wobbly as you get going, but then it all comes back and is a breeze.

  16. it is going to be awesome... and it is tough getting back into shape when you change materials... I have had an acrylic painting half done for over a year and I am dreading getting back to it and having to get used to them all over again... this doesn't look very rusty at all though...xx

  17. I know exactly what you are talking about. Love the way she is turning out. Keep rock!
    Thank you for your comment on my blog. Have a creative weekend - Irma

  18. I love her face, and the dots seemingly flying off into the air really light up my imagination!

  19. She's coming along very well! Keep going! I definitely need to flex my drawing and painting muscles again, it's been so long.
