
Friday, 1 May 2015

Blooming blossoms

I'm so glad I shared my wip background last week. It was just the motivation I needed to get back to my little table easel and keep working on it. I've been so inspired by all the beautiful blossoms everywhere this spring, and have been capturing them with different cameras, and I wanted to capture them on canvas too. I'm not quite sure if it's finished yet, although it might well be. I'll have to let it sit for a bit until I know.

I have to say, though, that the photo does not all show the picture as it is. I don't know what's wrong, but Blogger seems to completely mess up the colours when uploding it. This is not at all how the edited image looks in Lightroom or Photoshop, and definitely nothing like the original. The background is much subtler and the blues are much brighter and softer. It's far too busy in this photo, the original isn't. It's a grey and rainy day here today, and very dark, so there's no point in trying to take another picture, and I don't know how to fix the problem in Blogger. Or maybe it's the browers. I don't know. But because it's friday, and therefore Paint Party Friday, I'm sharing it anyway, even though I'm not at all happy with this representation. You just have to take my word for it that it looks a lot better in real. And I'll try to get a better photo once those dark and heavy clouds have lifted. Although that might take a while.

My painting mojo has been gone for so long, that it actually felt rather strange to pick up a paint brush again after all that time. But I hope that it will finally be coming back now.


  1. Your painting is beautiful with the delicate blossoms! Glad your mojo is back. Happy PPF, Valerie

  2. Glad you got your painting mojo back - this is simply beautiful. I know what you mean as paintings of mine look different depending on whether I look at them on our PC, my laptop or my phone!! This is still a beautiful piece as far as I am concerned. I love the texture.

  3. Beautiful painting and I love your polaroids!

  4. This is beautiful! I absolutely love the texture! I'm so glad you are painting again :0)
    BTW... I often have the same problem with blogger. The only way I have found to rectify it is to drag the image from the computer and drop it into the blog post you are drafting. You do this instead of uploading the image the usual way. This way it stays exactly as it looks on your pc. The only downfall with that is if anyone has your blog listed on their side bar, the thumbnail of the image wont show, only the title. Have a play and see if it helps :0)

  5. Gorgeous texture and very romantic lpiece! Sorry you feel the colour doesn't show well! Looks gorgeous on my end!

    Hugs Giggles

  6. Oh my goodness, this is gorgeous! Simple yet intricate... a paradox possible only in art. LOVE IT!

  7. Beautiful blossom! It seems to be a real northern light in your painting.

  8. I like it a lot, even if the colours don't show up right. I've never had a problem with Blogger uploading the pictures with different colours. Are you sure it's Blogger?

  9. I find the colors are different in my pictures than in real life. But I think mine is my camera. Regardless, I think it looks just beautiful. So glad to hear you are painting again. :) :)

  10. just keep picking up that brush-this is looking super already!

  11. Love the blossoms. Glad your "mojo" is back. Very nice job.

  12. We are on the same page at the moment. Both being inspired by spring. I love this. Is understated beauty. You say WIP but I think it is wonderful now. I would hang this on my wall with pride!

  13. I think this is absolutely gorgeous and is very relaxing to look at. It made me take a big breath and feel good. When a piece moves you that way it is such a great thing.

  14. Wers nicht weisz, findet die Farben trotzdem wunderbar (vorigen Freitag zum Vergleich)... Allerdings: das Problem kenne ich auch - es kommt reproduziert und dann hochgeladen niemals farblich so subtil rüber wie das Original. Ich bin schon oft mit normalen Fotos und Blogger sehr unzufrieden: in manchen Beiträgen komischerweise besonders blasz oder unscharf und am nächsten Tag gehts wieder besser -
    Jedenfalls schön, dasz Du wieder anfängst mit malen. Ich selbst brauche noch etwas Zeit, bin seit langer Zeit völlig raus und alle Farben sind längst eingetrocknet.
    Liebe Grüsze und einen blühenden Sonntag

  15. Gorgeous painted! I love it!
    I too sometimes have problems to show my paintings as they are in real. Last time now I worked hours to make it right! But I'm not sure what makes it that different..

  16. Oh, that texture is so rich, the color world just beautiful, full of spring and light!

  17. this painting is just lovely...happy PPF
