
Friday, 24 April 2015

A little painting work in progress, and some Polaroid success

What a week this has been. One of those that you just want to move into some dark corner at the very back of your mind and never think about again. Just delete, and move on.

So on to something more cheerful. I have taken out my paints and brushes again, although I haven't really got very far yet. I've been taking a lot more photos again lately, and dived back deep into post processing in general, and Lightroom in particular. It's time consuming, and didn't leave much time for other things. But it is also a lot of fun and the beautiful trees that are in full bloom, showing off their delicate white and pink blossoms, are just making me happy. I just can't stop taking photos of them, with my DSLR, my iPhone, and my Polaroid.

I've taken out and been playing around with my Polaroid camera again, and I think that I might finally get the hang of it. After having wasted about three or four films, including a colour one with silver frame that I particularly liked and that the shop I buy the films from doesn't seem to have anymore. (A little tip: read the instructions...). With the first one, it was pure luck that it turned out alright, with the other two, well, they were after I read those instructions... The scanner doesn't do them quite justice, the colours are much nicer. But I'm really quite excited about the Polaroid experience again, and I'll be taking my camera out much more often now. And without wasting quite so much film anymore.

But back to the painting. I haven't that much to show yet, only a background - which isn't even finished yet. But I'm sharing it anyway - and linking up with the inspiring Paint Party Friday - as a reminder to myself to keep going and finish it, so that I'll have something proper to share next week.


  1. Love the colours and textures in the background, looking forwad to seeing it finished! Lovely photos, too. Hugs, Valerie

  2. Blogging a WIP is a great way to motivate yourself to keep going. I love the colours and look forward to where it goes.

  3. Your photographs of nature are very inspirational, and serve as a prelude to your painting. The colors in the background are beautiful thus far. Happy PPF! #33

  4. Your photos are lovely and I admire you for doing it the old fashioned way instead of digitally as we all do now. I really like the start of this painting already - the texture of the paint looks wonderful!!

  5. Very nice background wip painting! Wonderful photos of Springs treasures...wishing you a better weekend, and following week!

    Hugs Giggles

  6. Sorry you've had a bad week Kay... Hope it's nothing too awful... Thankfully its Friday! And I'm glad you are painting again. Your photo's are beautiful but I'm sure there are some great paintings to come out of them! :0)

  7. Love the different blues on your WIP. Sorry to hear about your bad week, but I like your saying: just delete, and move on. Hope next week will be better!

  8. your background painting is gorgeous already! Great photos too. Hope you have a great weekend and a much better week ahead:)

  9. Your background is looking great. Love your photos too.:)

  10. I love looking at work in progress.... it is looking good!

  11. I didn't even know they made Polaroids anymore.
    I love making backgrounds so much it is hard for me to get past them. This one is great. :)

  12. The background has some subtle vertical structures going on - of course, you might paint right over them :) Either way, well done on overcoming the painting inertia.

  13. it has been way too long since i visited so then i go back and check out posts of what has been going on and before I know it a half hour has disappeared... lovely way to lose some time though... those sketchbooks you made are amazing...xx

  14. Love the photographs. I need to get my Polaroid out again. Need fresh film, though, haha!

  15. Gorgeous work on this blog, beautiful photos too!!! So I'm following you on Facebook now! (snippers & co).

    Smiles from Belgium, Saskia :)

  16. I had no idea that Polaroid Cameras still existed! Lovely photo's and I'm glad you have a painting on the go too :0)

  17. I love the painted canvas so far. The photos are always great.
