
Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Project 365 | Completed!

At the beginning of 2013, I started my first ever Project365. I had tried to do a Project52 before, with my proper camera, but failed miserably. But with my iPhone, and some photo and Project365 apps, I actually managed to complete my project, 365 photos, one for each day of 2013. 

Some days, it was really a struggle to come up with a photo (I usually ended up with taking a photo of food, sweets, or a cup of tea), on others, it was really hard to decide which one to choose. But I really enjoyed the project. It makes you notice the little things around you, to be more aware of moments, special or ordinary, in your days, and it's a wonderful way to collect your memories. I'm definitely continuing my Project365 in 2014!


  1. What an astounding achievement! Just wonderful work!! Happy New Year!! Will you be doing this 365 project for 2014 too?

  2. Congratulations!
    I can't imagine doing a daily year long project.

  3. Congrats! That's such a great achievement! I have loved following along on instagram. Your photography has been stunning too. You sure can see beauty in anything and everything. x

  4. Awesome! I'm a couple of months behind but almost there! Love your collage. :)
