
Friday, 22 March 2013

Simplicity, the continuing journey, and an art journal page

The last two, three years have been a journey of change in many ways for me. But I feel that I still haven't arrived. I'm still trying to figure out the life I want to live, and how to get there. Blogging, the internet, has played a big part of this development so far. I found inspiring online workshops and met like-minded artists around the globe, all having an impact on my own work. And my way of painting has changed a lot through these experiences. New techniques, new paints, new ideas. Painting, art, have become a much bigger part of my life than it ever had in the whole of my 15+ years of painting, and there are things I'm now beginning to feel are possible, which I'd never even dared to dream of three years ago. It is all part of something I don't yet have the right words for yet. Part of the journey. 

I'm reading a book at the moment, which I came across on a blog, the way you find these things in blogland, by one click leading to another and another... The book's called "Less is More", ed. by Cecile Andrews and Wanda Urbanska. It's a collection of essays on the concept of Volontary Simplicity. As someone who never seems to be able to get rid of the chaos, I'm naturally drawn to the idea of simplicity. But most books just seem to be practical instructions on how to declutter your home and get rid of half of your wardrobe. Which is not a bad thing as such. But what I like about this book is that it's about the bigger picture of living a simpler life, which includes such issues as sustainability, commuty etc. It's not just about having a home with less stuff in it, but about a fundamental change of our society, about the way we live, what we value, and what ultimately makes us happy. I find it very inspiring, and it makes me think a lot about my own life, and how I want to live it. It's yet another step on the way. 

It also inspired me to create a page in my art journal. First a layer or two with some vibrant colours.

Then trying out the new liquid acrylics I bought during my long weekend in England two weeks ago. Absolutely love this metallic pink!

The last step was adding the word with the help of a new stencil alphabet. I first wanted to do the letters in colour, but at the end decided that the outlines would work best here. Keeping it simple.

Linking up to the wonderful Paint Party Friday, which is such an inspiring place.
And a big Thank You to all of you out there in blogland, who have been, and continue to be, such a great inspiration, and who help me to keep continuing on my journey in so many different ways.


  1. Great post, I loved reading it and it got me thinking. Sometimes it is easy to get swept up with all the hype of consumerism, becoming bound to social conformities and hum drum routines. It is hard to take a step back and see the big picture. To plan and life the life you want without the stresses of modern living. The book you read sounds intriguing, I will definately look out for it:) Thank you for sharing your thoughts and beautiful journal page.

  2. I enjoyed reading your post very much. I find that as I simplify each day truly becomes more meaningful and memorable. No more rushing from thing to thing or place to place.

    Your journal page is beautiful. Thank you for sharing the process.

  3. Oh I just love all the gorgeous color, great page! HPPF!

  4. Remember life isn't about the destination - we all know where that is, lol! It's about enjoying the journey and making the most of each day, whether it's curling up by the fire with a book, painting, spending time with friends... Sometimes it's easy to get caught up in what we want to achieve and we forget to enjoy the process.
    I agree that blogging can be life changing. Honestly, I'm not sure I'd still be painting if I hadn't started blogging - but I couldn't imagine a life without art now! And the people I've met are just inspiring and wonderful :0)

  5. Wonderful post and I too am practicing simplification in all aspects ~ love the colors and the word stencil ~ Enjoy ^_^

  6. Divine art journal pages!
    I am such a fan of your work and so glad our paths followed in the blogosphere. :)
    Happy PPF!!
    Mixed-Media Map Art

  7. Loving your beautiful layers of colour in your journal.
    Happy PPF, Annette x

  8. Love the journal pages. I've had some trouble finding felt markers that write on an acrylic painted page. Do you use a dip pen? Thanks for sharing about the Less is More -- I live in 615 sq feet with a husband and we both work from our apartment, so keeping it simple is vital, but it goes against my nature to collect and preserve. That's why I love art books -- all that art in a very compact package. Love your posts!

  9. As always your art journal page is gorgeous! Very lovely typography! :)

  10. This is a wonderful post that happens to contain some beautiful artwork as well. Thanks! and Happy PPF

  11. Wonderful art! :)

    I've been reading a couple of books myself about living a simpler life.

    Living the Simple Life by Elaine St. James
    The New Good Life by John Robbins

    Both are good reads and sound in a similar vein to the one you mentioned where they look at the whole picture. I do love the 'less is more' concept. :)

  12. what a wonderful post! I feel so much as you do -only I've only been blogging just a year now. Love your beautiful papges-and yes, that pink is really yummy! Happy PPF!

  13. Thank you for sharing your journey, process, creativity and wisdom. You are very, very talented, gifted and inspiring.

  14. I love the subtlety of the colors of your pages. I like the outlines fir the stenciling too. It reflects your post about simplifying so well.

  15. that page is amazing and i am going to look into that book... the idea of a simpler life appeals more and more as the world gets busier... I love the effects of that ink... going to have to hunt some of that down...xx

  16. All I can say is gorgeous page and you are headed in the right direction! I have have been both places and trust me knowing what you love to do, and how you want to live is sooo important to personal happiness and peace!!

    Hugs Giggles

  17. Gorgeous colors and just loving the simplicity of it all! xx

  18. Wonderful page - those layers of intense color-
    Inspiring post -I've been contemplating and attempting minimalism for a couple of years now - just hate unnecessary
    stuff ! Your photographs are also just so exceptionally good! <3
