
Thursday, 14 February 2013

Happy Valentine's Day

Even though we don't really have a Valentine's Day tradition here, I've been busy drawing and painting hearts during my train commute. Tradition or not, hearts are just too fun to sketch, and love is always worth celebrating.

I especially loved doing my little tree full of lovebirds, adding layer after layer. They just made me smile.

Unfortunately, when I painted a couple of lovebirds on the following pages, it all went terribly wrong. I painted one of the birds yellow, and when I wanted to add another layer of orange and red, the paint disappeared right in front of my eyes. It went straight through the paper, staining my little lovebirdtree painting.

I tried to add some more paint to my yellow page once I had dried the pages with a hairdryer, but the paint kept disappearing. I really don't know what happened here. Was it the because of the water? But then, it wasn't the first page I had covered competely with very wet paint, and then painted on the other side of the page, without the paint disappearing.

It's a complete mystery to me. And it's quite a pity, because I really liked my little tree full of lovebirds. Luckily, I have taken more than enough pictures of the pre-stained version, and this is, after all, just a little sketchbook. I see it as a collection of ideas I can refer to later. So I might just paint another tree full of lovebirds on a sheet of proper watercolour paper. And I already know what I want to change to improve it.

Happy Valentine's Day, I hope you spend a terrific day with your loved one.


  1. What a shame the paint went through. That must have been so disheartening. Love the lovebird tree though and hope you're not too disheartened to try it again.

  2. Well nobody would ever know - only you - and surely this page couldn't possibly have looked any more beautiful regardless of disappearing paint!
    I just LOVE it! :0)

  3. I don't see anything wrong with your tree of lovebirds, it's beautiful, I feel I can hear the birdsong and it looks like there will be quite a bit of pairing up and nesting soon. Loved everything you have shown on this page, your birds and flowers are so attractive and colourful.

  4. I love them, they are beautiful.....awesome job!


  5. Oh your poor little birds painting, I'm so glad you got a photo before the bleed through happened. Both your hearts and birds are adorable and spectacular. I try and try to do hearts like that and it never comes out as gorgeous as yours. I think some people just have talent in different areas. Hope you had a lovely and chocolaty Valentine's Day.

  6. I hope you do another one! It was so cute. I love their little heart tails..

  7. both pages are so full of glorious colour...but the bleed through is a pain... loved the hearts and hope you do another page of those little birds... so sweet...xx

  8. Lovely!! adorable hearts and birdies ♥

  9. lovely!! I really love those birdies!!

  10. The pages of hearts was so interesting I almost didn't scroll down to the birds in the tree. I like your color palette.


  11. Oh Dear, what a messy little bird. But so happy and yellow. This whole page makes me smile, for so many reasons. If I ever feel a little bit low I know where to come to be instantly happy again. So sweet.

  12. I've enjoyed seeing your train commute sketches and these ones are particularly darling! A pity about the bleed through...maybe when you painted the first/previous page, the amount of water affected the sizing or cellulose of the paper right through to the other side??....apart from that I have no clue at all.

  13. I'm amazed you drew that wonderful heart page on a train. Your work is wonderful. (visiting from APR)

  14. Such beautiful paintings and what a shame about the bleed through. I am glad you managed to take some photos before it happened. They are all so bright and happy, I love them.

  15. I love your bright colours and happy paintings so much that I've given your blog a Liebster Award. It is for people with 200 or less followers. The details are on my blog.
    Von xx

  16. I love the hearts - especially the doodling on them.

  17. This is gorgeous - the colours seem so vibrant for watercolour and I love the pen and ink colour wash effect. That's such a shame about the colour coming through like that but at least you had taken photos before it happened. It really is beautiful - I think a children's book would look wonderful with illustrations in that style.

  18. This is so adorable... beautiful work!! i love the birds and those little dots everywhere. Beautiful. xox
