
Monday, 7 January 2013

New year, new word

I've been taking a little blog holiday and have been enjoying a two and a half week's holiday of day trips, long walks and lazy days. No blogging, no painting, no drawing. Just relaxing, and enjoying the time and company (and struggling with a nasty cold). Oh and taking tons of photos. A few with my rather neglected camera, and loads and loads with my iPhone.

The holiday is over, the new year has started, and with it come new plans, dreams, wishes, resolutions - and a new word. This is the third year that I've chosen a word to accompany me throughout the course of the year. My first year's word was Inspiration. I wanted creativity, painting, drawing, photography back on a regular basis in my life, and I was looking for inspiration all around me to get me back on track. It worked. Last year, I chose the word Journey. I wanted to continue on the path I had begun following the year before. At the end of the year, I wanted to find myself in a distincly different place from where I started 12 month earlier. I invited changes, big and small. It worked.

After those two quite successful years with my words, I felt it was time for a bit more action, as they both were somehow rather passive. So my word for 2013 is Do. This year, I want to get things done. No more procrastination, no more waiting for things to happen. Do it.

There are so many things I want to change this year, so many plans and dreams, some of them more realistic, others maybe more wild and adventurous. But we'll see. I'll definitely give it a try, and DO what I can to make things happen.

As for the blog, there are a few things I want to change this year, some of them long overdue.Well, two main things, really:
  1. blog more often
  2. give my blog the makeover I've been wanting to give it for the past one and a half years

Have you chosen a word for 2013? What is it?


  1. Great word for the new year :D

  2. Wonderful word for the New Year!! Mine is focus. I truly think the word thing works! Happy New year and good luck in all you DO!!

    Hugs Giggles

  3. Welcome back! I love the visual you made for your word.

  4. erstens ein wunderbares Wort .... und zweitens ein fabelhaftes Kalligrafie trifft Design Bild! Ein frohes Neues!

    lg Susi

  5. I love this!! What a stunning piece of art you turned your word of the year into!! I too have been absent from the world of art and blogging for the last while. I have a sort of excuse with most of my life being packed away still waiting in limbo for our move to Scotland but I can't wait to get settled and, like you, I plan to blog more about art and our new Scottish life. I just gave my blog a makeover in anticipation of our new adventure so now I just need to get going! Here's to both of us 'doing' more this year. I haven't chosen a new word but actually the title of my latest post, although about a piece of art I bought from Aimee at Artsyville, is actually quite apt - perhaps my word of the year will be 'Explore'!!

  6. A great word!
    i gave my blog a much needed make over a while back and it made the world of difference. Can't wait to see what you do with it :0)
    Happy New-Year and it's great to see you back! :0)

  7. Very powerful! I can't wait to see what you will change to your blog. :) Wishing you a great 2013!

  8. Great word! I haven't ever chosen a word, but maybe I should think about that. :)

  9. Great word for 2013, And I think we're on the same wavelength as my word for the year is action!!! Have loved seeing all your beautiful photos on IG while you've been on your break. You do take some stunning pictures!
