
Friday, 16 November 2012

The first step

I should really be somewhere else now, doing something complete different today and the next 10 days, instead of being where I am and doing what I am now. But sometimes life doesn't go according to plan, some rescheduling is required. But at least it means that I can go the party today, and that brightens this otherwise rather depressing day at least a little bit.

autumn day, mixed media on canvas, 40x40cm

I've been very busy these past few weeks and months, both with work and with my paints and brushes - and some additional materials. Last weekend we hosted our annual technological-historical conference at the library, and this year's topic was "material flows / material cycles".

paradies, mixed media on canvas, 40x40cm
This year, I had the chance to make a little contribution too, by showing some of my paintings. The idea was to show how one's work can be a source inspiration in different ways. (I've already talked about this a little bit in another PPF post, a few weeks ago). Book covers and pages of old journals that needed to be disposed can be re-used as collage elements or to paint on. Old library tickes and catalogue cards, decades-old calendar sheets, little notes and letters can be found between the covers of those old books, and they make perfect elements to use in a painting. The surroundings of the library, the river and the nearby forest with their bird and nature reserve, are a well of inspiration too, and can find their way into a painting, be that the light and autumn colours in the park, or some photographs that turn into collage elements.

paradies, mixed media on canvas, 40x40cm

It was a bit scary, but also exciting, to show some of my work to a group of more or less complete strangers. Would they like it? Or would they think it was just silly? It was a bit of a test for me, and I was quite glad to have the change to do it in this small, protected environment. The reactions were very positive and encouraging (although some of the remarks made me laugh a little bit - yes, even librarians have a life outside the library, and other interests than just books!).

My little display of my my work - my first ever!

So this was the first step outside. Now we'll see what comes next, and how this journey continues. But now it's time for the party!


  1. Your paintings look good, and I can see that the visitors liked them. I laughed a bit at the comment about you having a life outside the library. I have heard the same thing from my students many times. Last week when I told my class that I had traveled with two of my best friends, a young girl said: Do you have friends? :)What do they think?

  2. Isn't it strange how we can share our work on the internet blogs without hesitation but hang it on a wall and that's a different feeling Happy PPF!

  3. These pieces are amazing and they look fabulous on that wall!! Good for you mustering the courage to get our self out there!! I have no doubt people will love them1! Each person has different taste. My art is so quirky and colorful that I never expect anyone to like it! I fully respect everyone enjoys different flavors. If they don't like what I create, no biggie! I don't take it personally! However if someone likes it, then I take it personally!! What can I say.....cup half full kinda gal!! Thanks for sharing....wishing you some better days ahead!!

    Hugs Giggles

  4. The up close photos reveal such depth of layers and the colors peeking through! How cool that you exhibited your work! Can't wait to see what comes next on your journey! Happy PPF!

  5. Amazing work! love all the texture in it!

  6. Yes they are gorgeous pieces, I love your work, the colors and textures. You've taken a big step in sharing your work with the outside world, all the best to you!

  7. Gorgeous pieces Kay, and how incredibly exciting that you got to show your work. The comment towards the end about having a life outside the library cracked me up

  8. gorgeous work and all your works of art look fantastic hung up. x

  9. Your painting look fab hung on the walls, so much terrific texture. Happy PPF, Annette x

  10. Wow! It is so wonderful to see your work hanging up like this - It gives so much more of a sense of scale and what it really looks like! I'm SO impressed! They look fantastic :0)

  11. WOW - I've been privileged enough to see some of these as they developed, but it doesn't compare at all with how they look presented together like this. A tour de force of your artistry. I know how daunting this must have felt at times, but I hope "the buzz" of finally revealing all was worth it. Like sending a child off to school for their first day. What will follow, I wonder? Bigger? Bolder? Who knows, but definitely more, please.

  12. Congrats for stepping out. I know how brave one must be to do that the first time especially. What a beautiful way to have your art hung! And it looks smashingly good there. I love the fall piece with the round ribbons hanging from it on one side. (not sure what to call them) but its great texture. I bet you impressed the pants off them all! HPPF!

  13. Great for you for introducing the community to your beautiful art. Love the textures and colors. It looks so great hanging on that wall. Well done. Happy PPF

  14. Wonderful exhibition, congratulations! Your art is so rich in layers and depth, beautiful!

  15. wow- your mixed media art has so much interest and depth and the pieces look amazing on display!Happy PPF!

  16. I love this work, and what you have to say about inspiration. I think you're incredibly talented, and as a book lover, I love it that you're a librarian! How exciting that you got to show your work. Congratulations.

  17. Those paintings look soooooooo amazing... I love them and so glad you have taken that step... there will be no stopping you now...xx

  18. Love your painting...they look great hanging on a wall. Well done!

  19. Dear goodness... I love everything about your paintings! The use of color, the rich texture.. you have talent! :) (I think I already said that some time ago, but still) Have a wonderful weekend.

  20. I am sure you had a great reception for your paintings. They are so beautiful. Congratulations.

  21. How wonderful! I'm impressed! I love the nuances of the brown colors! Fantastic work! :) and so fun it must be with the exhibition! Congrats! :)

  22. Oh, these are all gorgeous--love the texture!

    I'm having a giveaway over at Art in the Garage to celebrate my 1000th post--hope you can stop by and leave a comment!

  23. Wonderful mixed media work, love all the colours and textures. Congratulations on the exhibition

  24. Congratulations on showing your work, it looks great in the photos. I am sure your colleagues see you in a new light now.

  25. That is so exciting! Congratulations! Your work is beautiful and thought provoking. I am so happy for you. :)

  26. So fantastic! Congrats on the show, and the display looks great.

  27. Great display and congratulations for doing it! I used to hide all my work away until a few years ago but once you do it you find you enjoy people seeing it:)
    I like your paradies very much.

  28. Congratulations on your first exhibit. What a nice display of your beautiful expressive artwork!
