
Monday, 1 October 2012

Autumn at last

It's the first of October already, and it's definitely beginning to look like autumn here. I began my favourite time of the year with a new Moleskine journal, as the old one, although not quite filled to the last page, is definitely full.

The days are getting considerably shorter, and the mornings decidedly cooler, especially on a bicycle. The trees are still green here, but they should start to change any time now, and I can't wait to see all the beautiful, warm, fiery autumn colours starting to appear everywhere.

Walking through the rustling leaves in the forest, the crisp, clean air, the mist hanging over the river, the explosions of colours all around, coming back to a warm, welcoming home, curling up on the sofa with a cup of hot chocolate while it's slowly getting dark outside, and lights are being lit everywhere. There's always something especially comfortable and welcoming about autumn I find.

But the best thing about autumn is, that it is not long now until the first snow!


  1. I love the Autumn too. The clocks change over here on the 31st October - and though the days are already considerably shorter, that is when it'll be pitch black at 6pm and eventually as early as 5pm!
    But the feeling of coming in from the cold and lighting a fire is always a joy! The leaves started to turn a couple of weeks ago here and those colours are creeping in everywhere. Soon it'll be raining leaves!
    I LOVE your new journal page. It is absolutely beautiful!! :0)

  2. meine Güte .. das macht mich glü diesen Blättern...HIMMLISCH!
    und bitte gleich zum Indian Summer Thema bei ART JOURNAL JOURNEY linken!


    liebe , liebe Grüße

  3. Oh! this is just Fantastic work, I do love it!! =) The colors, the leaves.. I am so delighted by this piece of work! =)

    Yes, days are running fast! Not everyone would say they look forward to snow ;) neither do I.. but when the snow is present, then I do love it! It's so white and beautiful, so fresh :) even the air is getting fresh when it snows! :)

    Do you cycle in wintertime as well?

    Lovely day to you! :)

  4. Kay, this is fantastic! I love it! Love the colours, texture, everything! And the quote! Yummylicious! I'm more of a spring girl myself, but I love autumn too.

  5. I love this! It reminds me of the Art of Wild Abandonment class - is that where we met?

  6. You know I absolutely love this. The colours are just so perfect: warm, cosy, inviting, just like your beautiful description of the comforts of this season. Just the addition of an open fire, some marshmallows and maybe someone to share it with..?

  7. OMGosh! This is beautiful!! I love this page spread! :) :)

  8. WOW!! What a gorgeous page to celebrate Autumn!! Nice work! We're in reverse as we started our Spring on September 1st here in weather is definitely on the way. :)

  9. You have captured the magic of autumn! The reds and browns match the season so perfectly!

  10. This is fabulous....your colour choice is perfect. I have not been blogging recently, and i have missed looking at your amazing work.
