
Monday, 11 June 2012

Just 5 little cm - a scatterbrain at work

Note to self: Dear scatterbrain. Next time you go out and travel all across town to the art supply shop to buy a frame, and end up buying more art supplies that you can carry really, both weight and dimension wise, and have to get them back all across and outside town using public transport, including running like an idiot to catch that tram which closes its door at exactly the moment when you get there and press the button, and it won't open them anymore but drives off right in front of your nose (and I'm 100 % convincend that that tram driver saw you both running and pressing the button in his back mirrors!!!!), leaving you there almost breaking down on the platform with frame, canvas and heavy plastic bag in your hands, and an even heavier rucksack on your back, and a dripping umbrella in your hand, that refuses to close without a wrestle, because it's broken and you really should have bought a new one long ago, because of course that day it is pouring down with rain.... Well, next time you go to buy a frame for a picture, before you leave the house, just check what size the painting you want the frame for really is. Even if you're absolutely sure what size it is. Just take it down and double check those two little numbers on the back. Just do it.

Because if you don't, there is just a tiny little chance that, despite being absolutely certain about the size, you might just be a little bit WRONG, and even if it's just 5 little cm on each size, it still means that the flipping frame will acutally NOT fit the picture!!!

*Sigh*. I really was so sure the picture was 50x70cm. Unfortunately, it isn't. It's 60x80cm. Really, how can one be so stupid???


  1. Oh dear! As much as this is such a misfortune, the way you have written about it, I couldn't help but chuckle! You will just have to paint another beautiful painting like this one to fit the frame :0)
    I do love it - it is SO pretty :0)

  2. Ach was.. man muss Chaos in sich haben um einen tanzenden Stern zu gebären..oder so...

    ist doch nicht schlimm....
    und der Busfahrer hat sicher auch sein Glück verspielt...
    armer Tropf, dem es Spaß macht einer vollbepackten Frau davonzufahren...

    mach Dir nix draus..
    das Bild ist wunderschön!
    Ich würd es ohne den Rahmen aufhängen und ein Neues für den Rahmen werkeln!
    Genauso will es das Schicksal wohl!?

  3. Hi Thank you for your nice comment on my blog. Love the soft colors you are using in your paintings.

  4. I don't know if it's a comfort, but those sorts of things happen to me all the time! I'm sure you'll create another beautiful painting to fill your new frame :)


  5. Oh those bus and tram drivers.... :( I'm sure you paint one to fit the frame!

  6. Hahaha! thnaks for giving me a good laugh!! :D Yes, somtetimes that happens, but it really happened to you, again and again.. I like your ironi, even if one could start crying, you make it fun! And you are such a godd writer also! :)
    I could really *see* you in the story.. :)

    And your painting is very beautiful! :)

    And that song.. so nostalgic and I liked the song also. I seems that scatter-brain is no new phenomenon.... :))

    Lovely day to you, and I hope you'll get a new frame! :)

  7. godd writer (where did that come from?)
    good writer (I meant)


  8. Heehee so lustig Deinen Blog zu lesen und ich kann mir richtig vorstellen wie Du mit vollbepackten Taschen (alles neue Art Supplies, hehe) und nem ollen Schirm bei strömendem Regen an so den trotteligen Busfahrer gerätst und da stehst und Dich über die Situation absolut beömmeln kannst :)) das macht Dich so sympathisch ♥♥♥

  9. How frustrating! This certainly has happened to me more than once - I usually find something else to do with the frame (although I must say I have a stack of 8-10 frames leaning against the wall). But, the artwork looks truly fabulous! You didn't mention the bag filled with art supplies - we'll be seeing the result of that fun purchase as soon as you dry out, right? :)

  10. Not sure how I missed this one - I love it! And if it is any comfort- i have done the same framing or matting miscalculation several times... it is frustrating!

  11. Am I allowed to laugh out loud? Please tell if I'm not, but to be honest, it's too late. I love these kind of stories because it makes me think "YES! I'm not the only scatterbrain on this planet!" And how brilliant that you found a scatterbrain song! That's truly multimedia.

    I don't know if you saw a recent Flickr post of mine, but the story went like this....:

    "Do you ever have one of those days where you're looking forward to a little trip out at the weekend, you've made your cheese sandwiches, got your map ready, the dog's got her harness on and you've chosen your "hat du jour", then realise that something crucial is missing - that you've left your camera on the top deck of the bus from Exeter to Poole two days before?

    It's annoying, isn't it?"
