
Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Portrait #13

We didn't do self portraits after all in my drawing class last week (and I was not unhappy about it, to be honest). Instead we worked in pairs, sitting opposite each other, and drawing each other, defining the light areas and the adding more shadows and details. My 'model' was so absorbed in her drawing that she more often than not forgot to look up, but it was still a great exercise. I loved drawing this portrait.

I'm going to miss tonight's class, unfortunately, but I hope I'll get some practising done this week, and I'm looking forward to the next class next week. One of the things I enjoy most about the class is working together with other people. It's so fascinating, and inspiring, to see how seven people, all working with the same techniques and materials, at the same time, come up with seven completely different drawings.


  1. ein sehr beeindruckend aussagekräftiges Portrait!

  2. Love her eyes. I just found out that there's a drop-in drawing class with live models on Monday evenings in our little town. I might try it out this summer.

  3. This is amazing! Really beautifully and sensitively drawn. You have such a talent for portraits and it's so clear to see :0)

  4. This is wonderful! SO much life in her eyes.

  5. wow, das ist wirklich klasse und einfach richtig voller Seele, einfach professionell

  6. This portrait is amazing! You are so talented! I never have tried to draw a subject 'live'. The closest I got was my son and his buddy and I just drew their backs as they watched a baseball game and that was hard enough. I was glad I could skip the faces :-).

  7. Your work is really captivating, what a sketch, so very well done, bravo!
