
Sunday, 8 April 2012

Happy Easter

On of my neighbours in my street put two baskets out on the street with cut apple and cherry branches to give away. I took a couple of cherry branches, and one beautiful perfectly white blossom after the other is opening, and it just looks absolutely beautiful. And perfect to hang those gorgeous feathery easter eggs I got from  my cousin a couple of years ago. Everytime I come into the living room, my simple Easter cherry tree just makes me smile.

Wishing you all a wonderful Easter Sunday!


  1. Thanks and I hope you have had a great Easter too!
    excellent fotoimpressions.. and I have to tell you that I love - really love- your fantastic flowers for PPF!

    xxx Susi

  2. What a beautiful collage of pictures! I hope your Easter was wonderful too!

  3. Gorgeous! Such unique feather eggs. The contrast between the cherry blossom and the egg is wonderful, it makes me smile too. Amazing photos as always. I hope you had a wonderful Easter. xx
