
Monday, 20 February 2012

Runny nose, daytime tv & doodles

It's been going around for quite a while, and it really was just a question of time until it was my turn. And now it finally caught up with me, and brought me down, that nasty cold. So I've spent the last couple of days on the sofa, trying to find something decent to watch on the telly, and with life's essentials close at hand.

With daytime tv being what it is (I really wonder how many times Pollyanna has been repeated in the past few months?!? 100? 200? Certainly more than enough, as with pretty much everything else), boredom soon sets in. Thankfully, my sketchbook was close at hand. I wasn't in the mood to start another portrait, so I just thought I'd try some doodling. I've never been a natural doodler, really. I don't tend to draw patterns or whatever while talking on the phone (maybe because I'm not really a telephone person). Whenever I try to doodle (and I really tried hard last month, when doodling was the Sketchbook Challenge's theme for January), I usually find myself, pen ready in hand, staring at the white paper for a while, until I give up. I tend to think too much about what I want to sketch, draw, paint in order to just happily doodle away without thinking

But with an aching throat, watery eyes (mainly because of bad, boring afternoon telly), a slight headache (mainly from having to blow my nose about every 10 secons), and having blown half my brain out through my nose (or so it feels), doodling really seemed the only thing to do to pass the time.

I'm really starting to enjoy this doodling thing. I like using coloured pens, but I definitely prefer the simple black & white, just using pens with different tips, from very fine to broad. 

It's the third day on the sofa now. If this is going on like this, I'll have my sketchbook filled from cover to cover by the time this cold is over :)


  1. Wishing you a speedy recovery. These are the BEST doodles I have ever seen...and also they really come to life with a touch of colour.

  2. Fantastic doodling despite your head cold ~ Been there and am just now recovering from the viral 'thing' going around ~ feel better soon ~namaste, carol (A Creative Harbor) linked w/CED

  3. Hope you're feeling better soon. Love your doodling!

  4. Sorry to hear that the snot is visiting your home but thrilled to see your doodles because of it! Your lines and details are wonderful!

  5. Love these doodles! Especially love the coloured flowers.

    Hope you are feeling better soon!

  6. I love your doodles! I usually just use one pen and try to thicken up the lines but i like the smoothness of your lines... Will give multiple pens a try!

  7. Your doodles are FANTASTIC!! Maybe it just took the cold and flu to help you see your own strengths as a doodler! They're really great. I love how you played with the different thicknesses of lines. Happy CED! xoxo

  8. Wow your doodles are great!!!
    Hope you feel well soon.

  9. Nothing better than doodling when you are sick. Lovely doodles by the way. Hope you feel better soon.

  10. Colds suck and daytime tv only makes it worse doesn't it... where is George Clooney to rub your back and bring you cups of tea when you need him... he played a doctor so I figure he would be pretty good at taking care of people with colds... as to the doodles.... I know what you mean as I have never been a doodler and actually find them quite stressful... but yours are quite ugly.... looks like you are totally reformed... get better soon...xx
