
Sunday, 4 December 2011

2. Advent ~ Getting into Christmas mood

It's the 2. Advent today already, and therefore...

... high time for the Christmas decoration to go up. I've never been one for Christmas decorations, until last year. And now, I can't think how I did without :). (I'm far too afraid of burning down the house to actually ever light those candles, though...).

A friend of mine intoduced me to the Steiff teddybear Christmas limited editions collection a few years ago. And of course, once you start, you just have to have one every year. I'm still waiting for this year's teddy to be ready to be picked up at the shop. It's a snowflake!

It's definitely beginning to feel a lot more like Christmas time, even though there's still no snow, at least not down here.

It's all definitely helping to get into Christmas mood. Have a wonderful 2. Advent!


  1. Those are some of the absolutely most adorable christmas decorations, love the little fellow with a big hat and nothing but a nose.

  2. Stunning decorations - I love the bear chandelier - that is just stunning. Did I mention stunning?

  3. Yes, yes, the teddy chandelier is lovely, but it doesn't even come close to Mr No-Eyes Beardy Fellow. When I saw him in the background of the first photo, well I wanted him as my own immediately! Imagine my joy to see him in his own exclusive photo. Though you should definitely keep those candles away from him, or at least get a fire insurance policy to cover his beard.

    I like Dean's Jingle Bells - nice to hear a more mellow version, so in response here's an equally mellow Louie...

  4. Your Christmas decorations look really special. The top one is just like one we had at home when I was a chid. If I remember, my grandmother sent it from New Zealand. Thank you for bringing back nice memories.
