
Sunday, 6 November 2011

A lovely autumn walk instead...

Last Sunday, I boldly announced the second part of my Three Favourite London Shops series to appear today, but I'm afraid I'm not able to deliver. I've been feeling quite bit under the weather these last few days, and this morning, the mere thought of having to find the energy to sit down, take out my all my stuff, get creative and produce something worthy of the post, take pictures of it all, process them, and wrap it all up in a blog post, simply totally stressed me out. And as this blog really is supposed to be something I enjoy doing, I decided, that I'd just had to admit defeat, postpone the post, and head for the sofa and some much needed rest instead. Especially as I've got a busy week ahead, which will require all of my energy. 

I would have been very happy with a rainy, or at least grey, Sunday, but no, it was blue sky, (far too) warm for the season, and all the trees still glowing bright and colourful. So in the afternoon I just felt too guilty to hang around on the sofa all day and went for a walk. And it did me so much good, both physically and spiritually. So instead of the planned post for today, I'd like to share some images of my refreshing Sunday walk.

I still plan to write those posts about the other two shops. Hopefully, the second part will be ready next Sunday, but I think I'm better not making any promises this time:)

I hope you had a terrific, inspiring, creative, and restoring weekend!


  1. I'm really sorry you haven't been feeling good recently. I checked in a couple of times over the weekend to see what wonderful stuff you were producing for our enjoyment, and there was nothing! I just assumed you were up to your knees in watercolours or had your arm bandaged after too much ink stamping! I hope you are feeling better now, especially after such a beautiful walk. Everything is always, always, always better after a good walk in the countryside. Except a broken leg. I wouldn't recommend it for that.

    That is such a beautiful lake near you. It looks so peaceful and so pretty with your subtle colouring. And you've chosen some great angles for your compositions - I really like the one of the leaves on the wall. It's different - most people would walk straight past that. Did you shuffle and kick your feet through all the leaves, and maybe collect a few more to decorate your apartment?

    Thanks for sharing your beautiful walk with us, and I hope the week is not too tough and stressful you. Hot noodle soup and chocolates are what you need, though not together.

  2. Thank you, Nigel. I'm feeling a bit better today, at least well enough to face the week, though still not quite my usual old self.

    Yes, it's amazing, how nature can restore one's spirit. Although there isn't that much 'country side' around here. It's pretty much all built up. Especially around the lake. It's getting crowded. I've been wanting to go to that particular spot for quite some time to get that view over Lake Zurich. On Saturday, it would have been even more perfect. Intense, dark blue sky, crystal clear view with the alps looking so close as if they were just behind the lake. Unfortunately, I didn't have my camera with me then...

    Oh yes, I couldn't resist picking up more leave, and some acorns to throw in as well. My home's beginning to look like a forest... :)
