
Monday, 14 November 2011

Art Every Day Month: Week Two Summary

Week 2 of AEDM (Art Every Day Month). I posted day 8 separately, so here's the rest of what I've been doing during this second week. It was quite a busy week at work, with a big do at the end of the week, which meant long hours and having to spend two nights at a hotel. But I took my sketchbook, pencils, coloured water soluble pencils and one of those clever water fillable travel brushes with me. It was just a bit playing around, and trying out those coloured pencils, but it was fun to do, and definitely a good way to spend the evenings in a hotel room.

Wednesday, 9 November: I did just some simple drawing exercises. Blind drawing, drawing with left hand. I just realised that I forgot to scan or photograph them, but it doesn't really matter. The important thing is that I did something.

Thursday, 10 November: At the hotel, coloured water soluble pencils, inspired by all the coloured and fallen leaves, musing about the seasons and how the trees and leaves change during the course of the year.

Friday, 11 November: It was a long day and a late night, but I still managed to spend a little time sketching before turning in. I'm getting very fond of these coloured pencils. They're perfect for short trips and holidays.

Saturday, 12 November: I bought some more individual coloured pencils, as there aren't many browns and earth colours in the box. I only wanted to buy one or two, but of course ended up getting about ten. I can just never resist colours. But they're just perfect for this leaf. Glad to be back home again, but still inspired by those coloured pencils.

Sunday, 13 November: Finally time to paint, all day long. I did some art journaling. I've been thinking about dreaming and what my dreams are a lot lately (that's the things you dream about for your life, not the dreaming during the night while you're asleep ones), and when I put my thoughts to paint and paper, they always turn up as bubbles, circles, polka dots. I've added parts of Edgar Allen Poe's poem Dreams: I have been happy, tho' in a dream. / I have been happy- and I love the theme: / Dreams! in their vivid colouring of life, / As in that fleeting, shadowy, misty strife / Of semblance with reality, which brings / To the delirious eye, more lovely things / Of Paradise and Love- and all our own! / Than young Hope in his sunniest hour hath known.

Monday, 14 November: More art journaling. I wanted to try out at last some of the supplies I had bought in London last month for my second post in my Favourite Shops in London series - which I'll post later this week, together with more pictures.


  1. Some beautiful work here, I really love the piece with the trees and the falling leaves, and the blue portrait is wonderful.

  2. Gosh, aren't those pencils versatile, especially with that magic water-filled brush! I really thought that portrait was watercolour at first. You might remember I had planned to photograph one tree through it's autumn colour changes, but was thwarted by a big storm over a couple of days. What I had hoped to produce was one single image divided exactly like your Thursday post - uncanny. I just know, because of the nature of trees in real life, it would have looked much more clumsy and cluttered than your version though.

    Hmmm...bubbles and circles? Bubbles are usually symbolic of hopes and wishes, sometimes for more child-like fun, but they are fragile and the bigger they get, the more likely they are to burst. Completed circles might be little pockets of perfection that you seek or have achieved, or they represent completion of events, maybe in your case the filled circles are completed stages of your life and the empty/transparent circles are for those events yet to happen..? Maybe ;o) What do I know? HaHa - not much, usually.

  3. Thursday, Saturday and Monday are all jostling in my brain to be favourite work for the week but I can't decide which I like best so I am declaring it a tie and say I love all three the best xx

  4. All beautiful work you are doing, but I LOVE the trees in the second photo!! What a great idea!
