
Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Week 35 ~ Oh my Gourd!

This week (week 35) at Picture Inspiration is all about the gorgeous pumpkin: Let us celebrate the gorgeous gourd!, Tracey declared, and wanted us to focus on "relationships" with our subject matter.

Now we don't have Halloween here, and so pumpkins aren't quite so "big" a thing as in other places. But we still like to use them as seasonal decorations, bringing the beautiful warm autumn colours into our homes with them. But we most of all love to eat them - as tasty, delicious, creamy, rich pumpkin soup (with curry, a splash of cream and some pumpkin seeds in this case).

I had a lot of fun with these pumpkins (and I'm sure I'll have lots more, as I intend to devote some of my weekend to the intense study of them, trying to sketch, draw, and paint them). I took so many photos that I risked the soup getting all cold in the meantime. I had a hard time deciding which photo to chose for the prompt, but finally went with the one above - and made a little collage with the rest :).

And I got to enjoy my lovely soup. It was delicious (and still hot enough). My relationship with my subject? - Very satisfying! :) Now I'm really looking forward to the weekend and to bringing those shapes and colours on to paper.

And I really intend to keep up with Picture Inspiration. I've been trying to, but didn't do a very good job so far, I'm afraid. I've posted some pictures in the group pool, have taken some more but never got round to process, let alone post them, and with quite a few prompts didn't even manage to take a picture at all in the first place. It's less than 20 weeks to go now, and I will do my best to keep it up now for the rest of the course, and take and post a picture each week, both here and in the group pool. It should be doable, right!?


  1. I can't believe that you managed to 1) make curried pumpkin soup from scratch, 2) style and photograph it, and 3) blog about it. Impressive! By the way, I'll bring some of my chocolate over if you'll serve me some soup. :)

  2. Oh dear, Heidi, you've found me out straight away... I was quite deliberately avoiding any mentioning of the "soup making", as, to be honest, the only thing I did myself with it was adding the splash of cream and the pumpkin seeds. It's a bought, ready made (though fresh) soup, and it was actually surprisingly tasty! And most likely much better than I could make it. I'm much better at taking pictures than cooking :). However, as one of the pumpkins I bought is actually an edible one, I fully intend to give it a try at making soup myself from scratch, and I already got some tips from my mum, who's an excellent cook. So get the chocolate ready!:)

  3. Ah yes, those naughty Americans pushing their traditions on the rest of us. Tut Tut. But it definitely is interesting for photography and other art. Love the title of the blog, and of course the fabulous images. So many beautiful colours and I can taste the soup right now - it really is delicious when spiced up a little.

    One of my favourite photos is the one taken from directly above - it appeals more to my logical, mathematical side (or is that OCD where I find comfort in patterns? Particularly patterns in nature.)

    Chocolate and Pumpkin soup...Mmmmm.....
