
Tuesday, 18 January 2011

{Day 18} ~ Centre of Attention / {January} ~ The Beginning of a Year full of Inspiration and Creativity

Prompt for Day 18 of Picture Winter: "Centre of Attention"

Today's assingment was to "pay attention to one subject that tends to keep showing up in your work - something that captures your eye, time and time again, and begs to be the center of attention for your creativity".

Well, brushes might not be the thing that most keeps showing up in my work, although I have taken far more and regularly ictures of painting brushes and other paining stuff than you've seen here on my stream. However.

I painted long before I picked up "serious" DSLR photography last spring, but my creativity has been suffering for a long time. 2011 will be my creative year, so I've decided, and already in the first three weeks of this new year, I have found so much inspiration around me which has helped me to develop my photography skills.

I know that I will never be an artist and never be able to produce true real art, and I don't aspire to do so, I'll always be an amateur. But I very much hope that I will also find the inspiration this year to make painting again one of the centres of my attention and the passion it once was, along with photography. And I'm looking forward to combining the two, I already can see so many ways in doing so.

And I just love images of painting brushes and painting stuff :-)

Texture by Shadowhouse Creations.

*  *  *

I am also using this image for my "Beginnings" page for One Little Word. My word for 2011 is Inspiration. The prompt for this page actually was to take a self portrait. And I will. Later. But I felt that this would be a so much more fitting image, as this is the beginning of my year full of inspiration and creativity.

I haven't really taken the time to work on this project until today. I always wanted to but then all the photo post processing got in the way. And I was also unable to order the supplies as all the three main thing - the album, the plastic refill packs and the card stock were not on stock. And although I kept receiving messages that some small quantities of stock had come in, they were sold out again so quickly that I never managed to order them all three together. And with the shipping costs from the States to Switzerland being what they are, there was no way I was going to order them individually. But album and cardstock at least are now on their way, together with some other scrapbooking stuff, and the refill pages I'll hopefully soon be able to order over here in Europe.

I'm so looking forward to start to get working on the project. I think it's a wonderful idea to have a special word for the whole year and I think that this class will really help to keep focused on it.

I'll soon write more and in greater detail about this class and project, and will be starting at the beginning, but I just had to create this page today and add it here as when I did the processing work on this photo today for Picture Winter, I just felt that I had finally found my "beginnings" photo.


  1. I love this - the texture works so perfectly with the brushes!

  2. oh, wow!

    i had not seen this yet, because i am behind on my picture winter view/commenting. but i can not say how much i LOVE this photo! as an amateur painter, i find this very beautiful!

    i think if your paintings are anything like your photography, then you WILL be a true painter some day... not just an amateur. but even if not, it's really special that you find a joy in painting. i find it to be so therapeutic. i have not done it in such a long time. but when i did {mostly water color}, i really enjoyed it immensely.

    that said, i also love that inspiration is your word for 2011 "one little word". that is awesome! i am doing that, too. my word is strength, and i still have yet to post my first "one little word" post.

    i just wanted to say, thank you for your very nice comments on my blog. it means a lot when people stop and tell me they are enjoying my words or that my photos are inspiring them. it means a WHOLE LOT! makes me feel like i don't do this all for nothing. i love to be able to inspire other people, just as they inspire me greatly!

    well, i better get going, as i have my p.w. assignment to do still, and so much catching up to do on viewing everyone else's photos!

    have a blessed day.
