
Friday, 17 December 2010

{9 Muses Musing} ~ Day 2: Lights

What a great surprise awaited me yesterday morning, when I opened Mortal Muses to get the prompt for Day 2 of 9 Muses Musing and saw a very familiar picture appearing before my eyes! The prompt was "Light" and Kat had chosen one of my pictures to feature on the blog. The photo was taken a week ago and I was trying out my new lens, a Canon 50mm f1.8, which I had very spontaneously decided to buy the day before. This is one of my favourite spot in Zürich. Looking up the Limmatquai with its Christmas lights, the typical blue trams of Zürich, the old guild buildings, the river. To the left is my favourite bridge, Münsterbrücke, a old, small cobblestone bridge connecting the two big minsters Grossmünster and Fraumünster. There seem to be new kind of benches in town and they provided great spidery shadows and the people walking by just helped to add the whole scene into one that reminded me of the dark, gloomy mood of Carlos Ruiz Zafóns novels, which I loved reading, exactly because of their mysterious mood.

I was also trying out my new bokeh kit with various shapes, which fits this lens perfectly. I chose the star shape as I thought that fitted the Christmas season best. Zürich's got a new Christmas lighting in Bahnhofstrasse, replacing a cold and much hated one. The new is sparkly and colorful and I get the feeling that each time I get to tone, it sparkles even more! The new lens and star bokeh turned it into a sky full of bright cheerful stars :-). I have posted this photo earlier already, for Picture the Holiday's prompt for Day 10, "Twinkle, Twinkle". But decided to use it again for 9 Muses Musing because I really quite like it :-).

I love my new lens!! :-)


  1. ich find die sooo toll, aber sag mal, kann man die echt nur übers Netz bestellen?
    ich würd die gern verschenken, aber sind die innert 1 Woche da??

  2. Hallo Ahuefa! Ja, das macht wirklich Spass mit denen:-). Ich hab sie bei Photojojo ( bestellt und das ging wirklich schnell. Kann jetzt nicht genau sagen, wieviele Tage, aber gut möglich, dasss es unter einer Woche war. So kurz vor Weihnachten ist's aber vielleicht problematischer!? Aber empfehlen kann ich sie! :-)

  3. Danke für die Info, ich glaub ich mach mir jetzt keinen Stress mehr. Auch unter dem Jahr machen Überraschungen Freude!
