
Sunday 12 April 2015

Spring blossoms

Spring has arrived, and for good, it seems. Temperatures are rising quickly, although bit too much for my personal taste. I went up to the woods this morning, for a walk up and for some inspiration and Being Present; to see and listen. I took my camera, and decided to only use my 50mm lens. With my allround 17-70mm lens, it's easy to "get it all in".Get the wide angled view before you. Or just zoom in. Not that that's a bad thing. But sometimes, it's good to stretch yourself a bit. Having to compose your image more carefully, having to move closer to or away from your subject to get the picture you want. Standing on your tiptoes to get that shot. It helps you to observe, see, paying attention.

It is still looking very bare in the forest, except for all the beautiful tiny flowers covering the ground and making the best of the light before the trees grow their leaves, if you care to look. But the most striking at the moment are the gorgeous blossoms. So delicate and fragile looking. So cheerful. Delighting both the passerby and the bees. Have a beautiful Sunday!


  1. Ooh... There are some paintings in there somewhere! :0)

    1. Yes, I think there is too, Sandra. I've got something in mind, and even started putting some paint to canvas.... :)

  2. Tree blossom always brings me joy. Being a creature who loves the warmth the blossom reminds me summer is just round the corner.

    1. They just look so cheerful, don't they. Temperatures are definitely rising, and it feels a bit like summer already has one foot in the door. Although I'm not really so much of a summer person. But I'm happy to see all the flowers and blossoms emerge.
