
Thursday 31 January 2013

Project365 | January 2013

The first month of the year, and with it the first month of my photo-a-day Project365, is already over. I must admit that there were days when I struggled a bit. Grey, dull, dreary days, when my inspiration was as low as the temperature - around or below 0. It wasn't necesarily a lack of motives, it was me being totally unmotivated and uninspired. But I tried, and I did manage to find something to capture the day each day. And sometimes even something quite unexpected and suprising, lack that bright blue sky today - something I haven't seen in quite a while. Of course there were also many days when I took plenty of pictures, and found it really hard to decide, which one to choose for my photo of the day.

It's been only one month yet, but already I so enjoy looking back at the month through my pictures. Some of them, the early ones from the beginning of the month, already seem ages ago. With spending most of my days with a far too long commute and working in a far too solitary place, my life often seems, well, rather boring and uneventful. Looking at these pictures, I'm amazed to see how much has happened in these past 31 days, and how many beautiful little things can be found around us every day, if we just care to look for them. Even on a dull, boring, grey day. Now I'm looking forward to what February will bring!


  1. Aah, it's a lot to fit into just one month, and such variety. Many nice things, even though it may have seemed a struggle at the time, and some a little sad, but plenty to remember and to remind us that just one month can bring a hundred surprises. Come on February! Show us what you've got!! xxx

  2. There are some beautiful beautiful shots there... and looking forward to the end of each moth to see more... what a great record of the year...xx

  3. WOW! A fantastic array of photos for January, Kay! I'm already looking forward to February's selection. :)

  4. Your photo's are so good! I am awful at photography - What you have managed to get on an iPhone is startling!
    Your job sounds like mine - far too isolating! And roll on Spring! This winter has been toooooooo long...

  5. These are wonderful - it's lovely to see them all together like that. you have a great eye for photos and you have managed to find interesting things to capture despite your lack of inspiration and the dreary weather!! I'll look forward to seeing what February brings your way!
