
Thursday 19 April 2012

Time tor creativity & tea

I'm participating in Jennifer McLean's Artists Play Room Challenge over on her blog Just Add Water Silly. This week's theme is "Coffe & Tea". As I'm a total tea lover and tea addict, this theme suited me perfectly, and I really wanted to participate, even though I knew I was not going to have any time at all to sit down and get out my acrylics in the evening this week.

But then the whole thing with being creative is not that you should or can only be so when you have enough time to sit down and take out your preferred art medium (acrylics in my case) and spend as much time creating as you wish (although that would certainly be very very nice indeed). The thing is with being creative is that you can be so where ever and whenever you chose to be, using whatever you have on hand.

So, while I couldn't sit down and spend hours creating a pretty tea themed canvas this week, I could without problems:
  1. do so some sketching into my little Moleskine sketchbook on the train while commuting, adding some little watercolours with one of those handy water-reservoir-brushes, which takes about 5 minutes and doesn't involve long workspace preparations, and
  2. do some Scribbler scribbles during my lunch break.
So here's my little sketchbook Tea Time sketch. I guess that teapot would probably make quite a mess when you tried to pour some tea from it, but I didn't have a model to sketch after, and it doesn't really matter, now, does it.

I usualy prefer herbal tea to fruit tea, mainly because fruit tea often tends to have rose hip in it, which I don't like, but I'm very very fond of my Tetley Pomegranate & Raspberry tea, which does not only taste very lovely, but has a great deep red colour as well.

It was actually the first time I was using the Moleskine sketchbook, and I found out that it doesn't really seem to take watercolours very well, which did somehow surprise me. The watercolours seemed to form little puddles on the paper, which gave some special effects when finally dry. But once dry, the paint seems to stick well enough on the paper.

My Scribbler tea party, with everything I need for a good brew. My favourite tea  really is Earl Grey tea. I couldn't live without it, and befor I didn't have my first cup of it in the morning, you better not bother talking to me at all. I have my tea with a bit of milk, and a lump of brown sugar. At home, I only have lose tea, (except the above mentioned fruit tea) but at work, tea bags ar serving me well.

So here we go. One doesn't really need a lot of time and supplies to be creative. A pen & sketchbook, a computer, and a few minutes of one's lunch break or commute are enough to help creating just a little bit every day. But now I think I'll go and make myself a nice cup of tea, and enjoy a well-deserved break.

Do hop over and have a look what the other participating artists have done for this week's theme, as well as for last week's theme, which is beautifully presented by our host Jenn.
just add water silly's blog hop link


  1. Love your watercolor on Moleskin - looks really good! <3

  2. thanks so much for your submission to my APR, it's a sweet painting. You're brave, I haven't cracked my moleskine, I'm afraid of marring it, lol. Gotta get over that soon!
    Jenn of

  3. Great Pic!!!
    I love how you commented on the "spout" of the tea pot....they are hard to get right....LOL
    I'm a Tetley Tea Die-hard fan myself....I love my Earl Grey Green Tea accompanied by some loose peppermint in the mornings....


  4. Very sweet tea painting, and I had not seen one of those brushes with the water receptacle--interesting.

  5. I love your creations and also the reminder to "just create!" I needed that!

  6. I love your entries to the tea challenge and I really love those little water reservoir pens as well... so handy... and your pages are great... I have only used inktense and pen in my moleskin but found that the water pooled a bit, and they are kind of a bit yellow for me... I have these little derwent ones that I love, they work great with pen or watercolour... how addictive is scribbler... it is more of a time suck than anything else I have encountered... cool work...xx
